
and for what it’s worth so am I

Friday, March 25th, 2011 Chasing adventures?

Today is the national holiday of Greece !
Went on a walk with friends and their dog, saw some of the parade, remembered my junior high school days when I also used to participate. Goodness, I really still feel pretty young, but that last happened 13 years ago :eek:

I started reading my journal today from the beginning (I got up to page 14), and I was both pleased and disappointed!! Pleased for all that has been going on (life adventures, experiences, learned lessons and acquired wisdom) , and mostly for the quality of training-footage that I have taken down over the years.
Disappointed because I feel that partially, there’s a special spirit that has been lost.
I think it all started with the phd, as it became a phase in my life where one single thing started to weigh a great deal of importance for the status figures of my person’s existence, and it is also a phase where I experienced for the first time the kind of attitude by people who try to ‘break’ you, in order to build you up again, in an academic environment. Or other levels as well… This is totally wrong for my moral beliefs because no knowledge in my opinion is worthless. And no life-philosophies are un-suiting for any environment.
Even astrology has something to teach. On whatever level.

Maybe it’s also due to the seriousness of an intimate relationship. Maybe it does take your eyes away from many other experiences at first, especially when it ends up being mostly long distance, and every move and every thought tends to parallel with the concern of whether or not it would be right or hurtful towards the other; not talking about cheating of course, but just other things in general, that fill up life on a daily basis. Like being carefree, and inconsiderate (in a good kind of way), completely independent and self absorbed.

Anyway :), I also think that tons of things could not have been accomplished if things had taken a different toll, and if I had to do things again, I’d do them the same! I need to chase adventures again, that’s all. That is the bottom story of this post. And adventures depend on daring moves and interesting people (in my opinion). The first has been hard to do because of this phd which keeps me busy so often (which is good of course), and the second is (in my opinion) just a matter of luck and circumstances. Interesting people come and go like waves in life (sometimes tsunami’s). You could spend a whole long period without any (in close distance-proximity, that is…)

I started reading Speed Trap again today (for the 3rd time?) I am hitting my head on the wall for missing that (2009?) chance to go to Toronto for a week and continue training with Charlie, after his suggestion. For the classical question “if you were to live your life all over again, what would you have done differently”, this is the one and ONLY thing I would have changed; I would have gone as soon as I could, after that one session we had in Florence. The period was very busy for me, but I could have managed something.
Damn damn damn…!

The weather has been nice here. 20 degrees. Change of weather to the better has always caused an enlightening feeling within me.

  • 20min warm up, quick stretch

  • 10 x 100stairs, walk back recoveries (singles-doubles-doubles-singles-doubles-doubles-singles-doubles-doubles-singles)

Today I think I will go to the central stadium and find a training partner for the day (there are a few possibilities). If my bicycle gets fixed.

EMS followed later:

  • 15min hamstrings explosive strength
  • 25min hamstrings active recovery
  • 20min calves relaxing massage

Saturday, March 26th, 2011

Title of the day: instincts don’t fail me;)

I took my bike here for a check up, so I can use it during my stay; rode to the central stadium, in search for tempo-company (I knew my friend would be there, with her group - this also used to be my group about 3 years ago, for maybe one month or so :stuck_out_tongue: ). So I was happy.

The uphill to reach the stadium is OVER-qualified for my pre-training energy resources ! :eek: (I walked half of it).

  • 30min biking to the stadium

  • 2 laps warm up on grass, stretching

  • 2 x 20m A skips

  • 2 x 20m B skips

  • 1 x 30m scissor kicks into stride

  • 1 x 20m running A’s into stride

tempo (on wet grass):

  • 4 x Π’s on grass (250m or so) walk 100m recoveries , with friend
    rest 4’
  • 6 x diagonals (110m) walk 55m recoveries
    rest 5’
  • 6 x diagonals (110m) walk 55m recoveries, found another friend for this

(total 1000+660+660= 2320m)
( I run so much better with company for such runs…, form and relaxation-wise!)

[COLOR=“DarkRed”]The grass was VERY slippery , especially towards the corners. On the last diagonal, this one athlete who was jogging leisurely towards the spot where I was going to finish, saw me but didn’t break (:rolleyes:) , so I had to put the breaks suddenly, and I had a very impressive slip (I slid for 15m or more). I sprang right up, my left glute was a bit sore, but nothing serious :cool: I received some shocked looks!
The coach of the group was amazed with my instincts and said that I landed better than a motorcycling pro :stuck_out_tongue: I don’t remember what I did, only that I was also in the air for some time :o

  • abs

  • 25min bike ride back

Sunday, March 27th, 2011

Chilled out with dogs :slight_smile:

It was supposed to be a relaxing day, but my hyperactive sister got me psyched up about tennis again, and we played after (a couple of?) years. We’re still rather good :wink:

  • 15min biking

  • 1hr tennis

  • 15min biking

Pretty tired from it !! Lovely sport…

Tomorrow starts a workshop in which I’m participating, so I have to be gone all day until 5.30 or later (doing participatory work), and then find energy and go straight to the track. But I guess that’s how full-time people do it when they are at the office all day ! (John!) It finishes on Saturday though =)

And I get to meet George Hargreaves! I’m in his group!! (probably nobody here knows him, but he’s an internationally well known landscape architect !!

Good day.

Monday, March 28th, 2011

Beyond glories, superficiality and egotism. Training aside.

First day of Thessaloniki ECOWEEK. Lovely presentation by architect Francis Kere, who builds sustainable designs in Africa. Out of clay. Inspirational on every level. I think that a couple of (genuine) Africans that I have met/seen/listened to, have been among the most influential people for me, personality-wise, above all ! Mr. Kere is a humanitarian on every level. Such ‘simple’ talent and such beautiful mind. I heard some great stories.

  • 30min biking to the event

(10hrs of listening to speeches, and visiting sites. Good day).

  • 30min biking back home

I think today will be totally off. (It’s been a while). Bike doesn’t count, in my case, under the circumstances… :stuck_out_tongue:

The rest of the week will also be busy like this, as we are working in teams to produce sustainable results (my team is working on a green open space corridor in the center of Thessaloniki)to present to the mayor on Saturday, so I will find energy for training at around 8pm until that day. :slight_smile:

Stick with tempo etc this week; go with the flow! :cool:

Some posts deleted, too bad !!

I was posting on twitter to keep track of what went on while the site was down, here we go!! Generally speaking, things are good! Only this week has been a little ‘blah’ (I guess I became tired), and I had to take things a bit more easy, which is too bad, as i will probably also take it each during the end of the following week (>>> travel week !!!)

April 21st, Thursday:

April 22nd, Friday:
(tempo) 5x300, 4x300,(1.30r),@53-58"

April 23rd, Saturday:
1x250+80+60 , 1x250+80+60 (35,11,8), 1x120m

April 24th, Sunday:

April 25th, Monday:

April 26th, Tuesday:
1x150 (20.0), 5x80m (10.2,10.2,10.1,10.3,10.3)

April 27th, Wednesday:
20min warm up and 18x100 to loosen up, cause this weather could be asking for a misfortune. plus 1hr total biking

April 28th, Thursday:
1x60, 1x40, 4x80m (low 10.2-10.4) 2’r, 3x60m sleds, 5’r, 1hr total biking

April 29th, Friday:
tempo: 5x300m (55,56,55,54,56),1:40’r, 5x200m (30,32,33,32,30),1:30’r, 1hr total biking. Dreading tomorrow =P

April 30th, Saturday:
Sa: 300m@43.5", (25’r), 300m@44.3" such tight quads, gotta quit going to the track by bike… (+1hr total biking)

May 1st, Sunday:

May 2nd, Monday:
morn.1000abs, evening tempo: 100,100,100,100,200,100,100,100,200,200,100,100,200,100,100,100,100,100,100(1hr total bike)tomorrow no bike!

May 3rd, Tuesday:
switching tracks perhaps bad idea. intense shin splints… 2x40m,1x60m,3x100m(90"rests)@13.0"-13.4" felt horrible indeed,dropped second set

May 4th, Wednesday:
rainn;30min jog,drills,1hr gym stuff, 11x100m on grass (50m rests), 1hr total biking. Shin splints

May 5th, Thursday:

May 6th, Friday:
Fr: 10min run, tempo;4x300m, w/1:45’rests@55,55,54,53", 20min run, tempo;10x100m. 1hr total biking

May 7th, Saturday:
1x300 @ 42.8", 40min rest
1x300 @ 44.2", (bliahh)

4xgrass strides

May 8th, Sunday
travel to Milan

  • 20min run
  • 10x100m tempo

I’m allergic to Milan. (literally speaking) My eye is red again,and I keep sneezing.

Plan for this week:
Presentation tomorrow. Wish me that all goes wellllll
Travel to Rome on Thursday, stay there for 3 nights (biennale, lectures attendance)
Travel to Milan on Sunday, then Bergamo. Stay in Bergamo for the night.
Fly back to Thessaloniki next Monday <3

Training will be a little tough to make, but this can be a recovery week anyway. Tomorrow will probably be off, and Tuesday could be a good session with the Sicilians, and Wednesday could be a good tempo day, and then chaos =P

May 9th, Monday
off from training, but 40min total biking, and presentation and blah blah blah

May 10th, Tuesday
training with the Sicilians.
5x80m w/walk back recoveries, at low 10s and one rep 9.8. Yay. Like these are accurate :stuck_out_tongue: (timed by sicilian coach)
5min rest
3x60m w/walk back recoveries (don’t know times, but coach said I’ve been training and it shows. Ok. )
10min rest
1x300m @45" Obviously this couldn’t have been ‘full’ after all of the above. Just enough to disappoint one’s spirits. =P

total 40min biking (I know, I’m still insisting on the biking, but it happens to be my transportation means :stuck_out_tongue: )
8 hours total biking, walking, training, walking, biking, walking, biking > exhausted. Is this my recovery week??? Really?

May 11th, Wednesday
total 40min biking

10min warm up jog, stretch
10x200m tempo
7min cool down

then another 25+25min biking

Tomorrow is travel to Rome, coming back Sunday, then flying to Thes/niki on Monday morning.

How was the presentation???

The 300 is just enough to keep you in touch with it! :slight_smile:

Enjoy your stay there!

it went ok !!! Nothing unexpected: I presented, they commented, more work to look forward to =P

If you say so :slight_smile: (I agree)

So far so good :slight_smile: :slight_smile:
Ταking the (fast) train to Rome in 3 hours!

I managed a long warm up this morning (Thursday, May 12th, for the record)

  • 10min warming up, stretch, static+dynamic
  • 3 x 20m A skips
  • 4 x 20m B skips
  • 4 x 20m running As into stride
  • 4 x 30m scissor kicks into stride
  • 2 x 70m strides
  • 2 x 40m accelerations

EMS tonight for sure.

Lone travelling can sometimes be panicky, but I’m all nested and safe now =)))
Maybe I will go for a butt reduction surgery and then less perverts will notice me.

Friday, May 13th (Rome)
1.5 hr walking (I don’t like the metro)
7hr conference
1 hr walking


  • explosive strength on hamstrings (15" intervals w/30" rests)
  • active recovery on hamstrings
  • relaxing massage on calves
  • strength on glutes

Saturday, May 14th (Rome)
(sore glutes)

  • 1hr walking
  • 4hr conference
  • 1hr walking



  • 25min strength on abs
  • 25min strength on abs (2nd set)
  • relaxing massage on calves
  • active recovery on hamstrings

Can’t waitttt to get home (on Monday), and try to get ready for this May 25th meet I’m registering for. Then May 26th going to Milan again, for May 27th departure to Paris (first time there :slight_smile: ) for the All University Challenge, with my Politecnico team (I only know one person sofar :stuck_out_tongue: )
May 25th will be 400 (and debating whether I should also run the 100 , 20’ prior to the 400
May 27th is the 200 (relay) and possibly the 800!! (50% chance, yikesss)

I would do it, yes! And good luck with that 800, if you run it! :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s not funny ! =S

Sunday, May 15th. Rome-Milan, Milan-Bergamo

lots and lots of extracurricular reading :slight_smile: mmmmm !!! “Change of Heart”; breathtaking book

third (and final day) of no specific training,


  • explosive strength hamstrings
  • active recovery hamstrings
  • relaxing massage calves
  • strength quads

Despite all the travelling in the past 4 days, I think I actually managed to rest.

it feels like putting on flannel pajamas on a snowy night; like turning on your blinker for the exit that you know will take you home !

Monday, May 17th

  • 10min warm up, stretch
  • drills (8 run)
  • 4 x 80m strides


  • 3 x 300m (53,55,53), 1:30rests
  • 2 x 250m (43,43), 1:20 rests
  • 3 x 200m (31,33,32), 1:20 rests
  • 5 x 100m (walk 50m recoveries)
    abs (long break into the gym)
    cool down: 5 x 80m (walk back recoveries)

(total 2900m)

that tempo, are you doing intensive? It looks higher than 75% given your 300m times.

Hey John, maybe the meters are not 300m exact, since I’m doing these as one-lappers at the interior soccer field, which others measure as 320m and others as 280m… or anything in between. I might be in the lower range of meters because I like to cut the corners to save my legs. Anyhow, it doesn’t feel intensive!