
Friday, Feb. 17th, 2012

(10min biking)


  • 1hr strength, core and good stretching

  • 30min run

  • drills

(10min biking)

Saturday, Feb. 18th, 2012


(lots of walking around)

Sunday, Feb. 19th, 2012

  • 20min warm up

  • 10min warm up number 2 (with strides inside)

quick stretch, more strides


  • 10 x 100m walk back back recoveries

  • 5 x 60m walk back recoveries

(some where videotaped, view the post from today, here: )

1 x 500m @1:28

  • 20min cool down jog

Your paintings have improved a lot!


Thank you!

Monday, Feb. 20th, 2012

  • 20min warm up

  • 20min run

  • 15min run

  • 20min drills and strides

  • 1 x 500m easy stride (@1:40)

  • cool down

(((sleepless night)))

Tuesday, Feb. 21st, 2012

Feeling like hell. Physically, psychologically.
But in peace.

(15min biking to the track)

  • 20min warm up, drills and strides

  • 5 x 100m (@low 14s), walk back rests

  • 5 x 60m (@mid 8s), walk back rests

  • 1 x 300m (@ 47)

training of st, as my training partner would say… feeling like st, and to top it off with everything, head wind for the sprints and pinky-toe blister that was unbearable in the spikes

(15min biking)

(((slept for 12 full hours)))

Wednesday, Feb. 22nd, 2012

  • 20min easy run

  • 10 x 100m tempo runs

abdominals and glutes

p.s.1 Going to Thessaloniki for 4 days on Friday. When I return, I start EMS immediately.
p.s.2 Disappointed.
p.s.3 In search of motivation to excel.

Thursday, Feb. 23rd, 2012

(15min biking)

  • 20min warm up, stretch, drill

(session SHOULD have been 5 x 150s w/2’ rests at 20", and then 1x200)

I felt very tired and flat, so I we reduced it to

  • 3 x 150m w/2’ rests (all at 21s, mid-high)

  • 1 x 200m @28"

(15min biking)

Friday, Feb. 24th

travel day (3.30am wake up), arrive at Thessaloniki, 9hrs printing of thesis, then drinks half-awake. And I don’t know why I’m still awake…

(here’s a 150repetition from Thursday 'training of s**t)

p.s. I also uploaded today the other 2 150s from Thursday (look here: )

or directly here:

Easy days… eating a lot. I should stop now… really. (back home in Thessaloniki)


  • 20min run
  • drills uphill
  • strides uphill
  • runthroughs uphill (no more than 60m)

(I didnt count. )


  • 20min run

  • 5 x 100m charlie-bounds uphill

  • few strides

  • 30min abs/glutes/lumbar


  • 30min warm up run
  • 10 x 100m uphill strides

few abs

Lots of uphill… :slight_smile:

hahahhaah I re-read my post and it’s pretty ridiculous after all =P

The reason: Our ‘outskirts’ home in Thessaloniki is an uphill property =PP

Tuesday, Feb. 28th, 2012

(15min biking)

(15min biking)

  • 20min warm up, quick stretch


  • 10 x 20m

  • 10 x 50m

  • 2 x 150m

double leg hops upstairs:
6 x 16 hops

few abs

(15min biking)
(15min biking)

Wednesday, Feb. 29th, 2012

is it possible to twist/sprain an ankle at 7pm in training, and feel the effects at 12 midnight, after biking, spa, and shower ??? Ouchh… !

Today was travel day… I hate travel days. I doooooo !!!


  • 40min interrupted run with stretchings in between (back was sooo sore and stifff)

  • 20min drills and strides (I twisted my ankle there, as these were on grass).

cool down

(10min biking to the gym)

  • 1hr spa (sauna, hamam, hydromassage, sauna, hamam, and cold showers in between)

(10min biking)

So many people reading my journal, and nobody has nothing to say, ever? =PP (except for a couple of exceptions)

People, share your thoughtssssss. It matters.

Spring allergies… ahhhhhh.
I need to find a solution. It’s only March 1st.
After training, during the spring, I start sneezing, my nose becomes runny, I get a headache, I want to sleep, and my eyes become heavy.
How lovely.
Especially when I need to create innovative texts for research proposals. Darn.

Tempo on track today, 400s (keeping partial company to my training partner’s 5k easy-going race, joining on every other turn)
(I hope I make sense today, I’m not re-reading anything, and I’m still in shock from allergies… I need a placebo-cure. Vodka perhaps? )

Thursday, March. 1st, 2012 (this year is flying by dangerously)

(15min biking)

  • 20min warm up, stretch, drill, strides

  • 6 x 400m (w/1:30 recoveries), between 1:16 and 1:20

2 lap cool down

(15min biking)

And yesssss I’m starting my EMS today =))) (after getting new pads, because that’s what was stopping me all this time… :stuck_out_tongue: )

  • explosive strength on hamstrings (20min)
  • active recovery on hamstrings (25min)
  • relaxing massage on calves (25min)
  • relaxing massage on calves again (25min)

If it’s only after training, nobody cares in this forum… :stuck_out_tongue: Or EMS your nose perhaps! There, an advice, too! :smiley:

Friday, March 2nd, 2012

noon training:
(15min biking)

  • 40min veryy easy run, but not pleasant for me, due to heavy legs (EMS?) and blistery feet… ah.

  • stretch

  • 30min drills on track (finally, I feel some kind of ‘evolution’ in terms of sharpness here =) )

  • more stretch

(15min biking)

evening training:

  • 20min progressive run

  • 25min drills/ strides on grass (wonderful )

5min cool down

  • 15min abdominals

Strange thing is it happens to you in spring (allergies)… not in winter or autumn, but spring. :stuck_out_tongue:

BTW, I watched the videos you posted (links). Thanks for sharing… nasty curve. Can’t comment much about the running iself, sorry about that. :frowning:

Thankssss I also got a message on some anti-allergy medicine which I could try, and also my teammate will ask his father, who conveniently is a doctor…
My main issue is finding something that doesn’t cause drowsiness. (and is not a banned substance, cause that would be rather funny… )

Saturday, March 3rd, 2012

Nice dayyyy 22 degrees.

Morning EMS:

  • explosive strength on hamstrings
  • active recovery on hamstrings

Early evening:
(15min biking)


  • 15min warm up jog,

  • good stretch, drills and strides

  • 5 x 80m, walk back recoveries (5min rest)

  • 5 x 60m, walk back recoveries (5min rest)

  • 1 x 300m @45 (easy and not tiring, but I need to be patient with this long-to-short year until my brain starts sending the faster signals… EMS will help for sure) I hope.

(10min biking)


  • 30min leg press, pull ups, abs, lumbar and stretching


  • 1 hr: hydromassage-sauna-hamam-hydromassage-sauna-hamam (cold baths in between). Fabulous, especially since I’m sore from EMS. I’m seriously becoming spoiled with this spa-amenity… And my wonderful teammate companion to make every training (and recovery) enjoyable. =)

(15min biking)

Tomorrow I go watch a cross-country race w/ the Sicilian group, yipeeeee (teammate’s running).

If that’s the main issue, consider allergy shots. After the initial treatments, the frequency typically drops to once per month. After a few years of treatment, many people can quit with no symptoms at all. Of course, it depends on the severity of the symptoms, but I much preferred shots to anything else that was available, and now, I don’t need anything.


Thanks Christopher =)
I suppose first I would need to do an allergy test and find out what exactly I’m allergic to? (although I pretty much know it’s the poplar tree’s pollen, because it gets pretty bad when I’m around those… =/

Yes, that is correct. A skin test is common, though there are other methods such as blood test. They use a pen to map the patient’s back. Then they scratch the skin with a variety of allergens (e.g. pollens, molds, dander, etc). After assessing which allergens cause a reaction, they can create a batch of allergy treatment specifically for the patient. They keep it refrigerated and use a sample with each visit. The shots can sting for thirty seconds or so, but the relief from allergies typically starts from the very first shot. Most doctors will recommend medication instead, but IMO, there is no comparison with the relief of immunotherapy.
