
Saturday, Jan. 28th, 2012

pissed off today. (again)
Rainy day and cold

(15min biking)

  • 20min warm up, stretch, drill, stride

  • 5 x 80m walk back recoveries

  • 4 x 60m walk back recoveries.

Rather fast, as annoying outsiders were keeping times in their pockets… (lone training today, as my teammate has to do a medium run at a park).
I don’t like training alone. But it does build character.

(15min biking)

p.s. 21st training day in a row…

Sunday, Jan. 29th

(10min biking)

  • 30min swimming (so in fact this was not an off-day after all)

  • 1 hr spa (sauna-hydromassage-hamam-sauna) with in-between cold showers

(10min biking)

p.s. 22nd training day in a row…

Monday, Jan. 30th

(10min biking)

moreeeee pissed off, for Italian bureaucratic reasons this time… In fact I almost cried.
I was waiting at a doctor’s hall for 2 full hours (I don’t know if people here know about my inability to sit still for more than 7minutes at a time), and when it was my turn, he told me that he could not provide me with a medical certificate to attend the gym, because I was not his formal patient and he could not take responsibility. ONLY in Italy have I ever gone such a response. According to this logic, I must have one doctor during my life who keeps track of all my medical history.
In my case, I should hold a consulting gathering with the doctors I have seen during my long-term stays in New York, Thessaloniki, Athens and Enfield Connecticut. They should assemble all of the information of my history, and then hand over a verdict. So we can then come to the conclusion of whether or not I could safely, for me and the others, use the weights and run on the treadmill inside gym-grounds.

This whole story is annoying because this has been the third try to get this freakin-medical check up for freakin gym attendance… ^&$#$^$)(()&*^&%^

Then my bike-break broke.

(10min biking with one break and another loose one - but I was going reallyyyyyyy slowly)

What an a-nnoy-ing dayyyyyy…

And now I’m just eating more cookies than I should… .

p.s. But this is my OFF day !!! (finally…)

On a good note, I finished this yesterday: :slight_smile:

Uploaded with

Unbelievable. Totally ridiculous… in fact, it is so, that it sounds like a bad comedy script, the kind that exaggerates, way too much, situations taken from real life in order to try to make them funny. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes indeed…

Tuesday, Jan. 31st, 2012

(15min biking)

Training at -1 C … BRRRRRRRRRRRR (feeling like -5, due to wind)

  • 20min warm up, stretch

  • 3 sets of 7x26 double-leg hops upstairs, walk back recoveries, and 4min/set (wonderful)

  • 1 x 670m ‘cross-country’ @ (2:12) versus 2:11 last week, but now freezing… (I suppose it’s hard to describe this rep as ‘nice and relaxed’, as it really felt uncomfortable in this kind of temperature and wind).

(15min biking)

Gym cancelled because my teammate is very stressed with tomorrow’s exam of his, and I’m not motivated to bike to the gym for a lone training, in -5 C now and snowing…

So more work and green tea for me =)

Wednesday, Feb. 1st, 2012

(10min biking)

Gym (snowing all day)

  • 30min gym (bench press, squats, pull ups)

  • 40min progressive treadmill run (up to 14km/hr, and 1 x 1’stride at 18km/hr)

  • 15min abs/lumbar and stretching

(10min biking)

Thursday, Feb. 2nd, 2012

Gym again (snow snow snow…)

  • 10min easyyy warm up treadmill

  • 35min treadmill (from 12km/hr up to 14, and 1x1’@18)

  • 15min abs/lumbar/stretching

(10min biking)

p.s. Ahhh…

Allllll gym these days - freezing up to -15Celsius in Milan these days…

Friday, Feb. 3rd, 2012

(10min biking)

  • Weights: squats, squat jumps, bench, pull ups

  • 30min run

  • abs, lumbar and stretching

(10min biking)

Saturday, Feb. 4th, 2012

(soreeeee on quadriceps, from squat jumps…)

(10min biking)

  • 40min progressive running (up to 14km/hr) and 2 x 18km/hr strides for 1’

(10min biking)

Sunday, Feb. 5th, 2012

(still soreeee)

(10min biking)


  • 20min warm up

  • 6 x 1min repetitions w/1:30 recoveries, @(km/hr) 19, 19.3, 19.5, 19.8, 19.8, 20
    cool down

  • 1hr spa; sauna, hamam, hydromassage, sauna and freezing baths in between (heaven…)

(10min biking)

Monday, Feb. 6th, 2012

(10min biking)

  • 35min progressive treadmill run

  • pull ups (2 sets of 10)

  • abs/lumbar/stretching

(10min biking)

Tuesday, Feb. 7th, 2012

(10min biking)


  • squats (3 sets of 8)
  • leg press (2 sets of 8)
  • squat jumps (3 sets of 8)


  • 10min warm up

  • 1 x 500m (1’@20km/hr and the rest @21km/hr)
    cool down


Spa Recovery:

  • Sauna - freezing bath - Sauna - freezing bath - hamam - cold shower (Heaven. … )

(10min biking)

Wednesday, Feb. 8th, 2012

OFF (on 7th day) (completely, not even biking, after a long longgg timeee. I thought it was a sign, as I was sleepy/tired/brainless all day long, even after good sleep)

Watched Iron Man 2 >> wonderful =)

Dizzy after half a glass of wine… (friend’s birthday) I love lack of alcohol tolerance =) Hadn’t drunk since New Years. =O

But now I have a headache… =/

Thursday, Feb. 9th, 2012

Off days are not a good idea… Lower back hurts again, and training was not all that comfortable =/

(10min biking)
Finally did that soap-opera-medical exam thingy for the gym. I think I had a cardiogram for the first time today. Of course my heart rate was rock bottom =)
(10min biking)

(10min biking)

  • 40min progressive treadmill run (up to 13km/hr) + 1x1’@18km/hr + 1x1’@19km/hr

  • 30min strength (glutes/hamstrings/abductor/adductor stuff)

  • abs/lumbar/stretching

(10min biking)

Friday, Feb. 10th, 2012

  • morning abs

(10min biking)

Gym: (snowed last night, and the track got covered again… so back-on-track-session got cancelled).

12min warm up

  • 10 x 1min intervals @ 19.8km/hr (3.1’ at each kilometer tempo), with 1.5’ rests. I cannot say this was effortless =P Good stuff…

5min cool down jog

p.s. Next time I’ll charge ‘viewing fees’ for whoever happens to be there next time, and apparently staring with curiosity?impression? Jeez… Italian women never go hard on a treadmill?? =/ Just awkward …

  • half hour abs/lumbar/stretching

(10min biking home)

Great to hear. :cool:

… Both news. :smiley:

Thank you =))

Saturday, Feb. 11th, 2012

(10min biking)


  • 40min upper body circuit

  • 40min progressive run (up to 14km/hr) + 1 x 1min@18km/hr

  • abs/lumbar/stretching

(10min biking)

Sunday, Feb. 12th, 2012

(10min biking)


  • 25min easy run

  • 7 x 1’ intervals @19.9km/hr (3min/km pace) , w/1.30 recoveries.

  • 5min cool down

recovery: spa, hamam and cold showers in between

(10min biking)

Long training discussion with my teammate… I need to start doubting this system, due to my knowledge (I only express my concerns on lack of speed), but this is what we’re doing, it works for them, I’m progressing and not injured, so I’m shutting up and enjoying it… =) Plus, it’s actually impossible to work on speed on the track, with this kind of weather.
I still can’t digest the fact that Milan does not own one single indoor track…
I’m dying in anticipation for my first meet in Greece in May … (as long as I’m ready for good pr’s)

Monday, Feb. 13th

Woke up at 3.30am, and awake ever since… ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…
Now I’m dying (past midnight, next night).
No work load, just insomnia… I need intensity. &&%#@%$()(&*^%&

  • 4.20am abdominals

evening training:

(10min biking)

  • 40min progressive run (up to 14km/hr)
  • 3 x 1’ strides @18km/hr


(10min biking)

Trackkkk tomorrowwww… lets see how it goes =)).

Tuesday, Feb. 14th

(15min biking)

On the track (freezingggggg…)

  • 20min warm up jog, stretch

Plyo double hop upstairs:

  • 3 sets of 6x26 hops

2 lap easy jog

  • 1 x 500m easy @ 1:30 just

(15min biking)

Wednesday, Feb. 15th, 2012


  • 1hr ab/glute exercises w/dancing in between =P


(10min biking)


  • 10min warm up bike (as if I’m not biking enough… hahah)

  • strength (leg press, squat jumps, pull ups, dips).
    I met this guy today !! Very nice. He came right at me, impressed with my lower body development, and had a nice conversation. He’s like a superhero. Hard to find around.


  • 10min run

  • 7 x 1min intervals @18, 18.5, 19, 19.5, 20, 20, 20 (km/hr), 1.5min rests in between
    cool down

  • abs/lumbar and good stretch

(10min biking home)

Thursday, Feb. 16th, 2012

(15min biking)

(at the track - still cold, but better…)

  • 20min warm up, stretch, drill, spikes

  • 6 x 150m w/ walk back recoveries. @20.8-high 21s

(15min biking)

Friday, Feb. 17th, 2012

(10min biking)


  • 1hr strength, core and good stretching

  • 30min run

  • drills

(10min biking)

Saturday, Feb. 18th, 2012


(lots of walking around)

Sunday, Feb. 19th, 2012

  • 20min warm up

  • 10min warm up number 2 (with strides inside)

quick stretch, more strides


  • 10 x 100m walk back back recoveries

  • 5 x 60m walk back recoveries

(some where videotaped, view the post from today, here: )

1 x 500m @1:28

  • 20min cool down jog

Your paintings have improved a lot!


Thank you!

Monday, Feb. 20th, 2012

  • 20min warm up

  • 20min run

  • 15min run

  • 20min drills and strides

  • 1 x 500m easy stride (@1:40)

  • cool down

(((sleepless night)))

Tuesday, Feb. 21st, 2012

Feeling like hell. Physically, psychologically.
But in peace.

(15min biking to the track)

  • 20min warm up, drills and strides

  • 5 x 100m (@low 14s), walk back rests

  • 5 x 60m (@mid 8s), walk back rests

  • 1 x 300m (@ 47)

training of st, as my training partner would say… feeling like st, and to top it off with everything, head wind for the sprints and pinky-toe blister that was unbearable in the spikes

(15min biking)

(((slept for 12 full hours)))

Wednesday, Feb. 22nd, 2012

  • 20min easy run

  • 10 x 100m tempo runs

abdominals and glutes

p.s.1 Going to Thessaloniki for 4 days on Friday. When I return, I start EMS immediately.
p.s.2 Disappointed.
p.s.3 In search of motivation to excel.

Thursday, Feb. 23rd, 2012

(15min biking)

  • 20min warm up, stretch, drill

(session SHOULD have been 5 x 150s w/2’ rests at 20", and then 1x200)

I felt very tired and flat, so I we reduced it to

  • 3 x 150m w/2’ rests (all at 21s, mid-high)

  • 1 x 200m @28"

(15min biking)

Friday, Feb. 24th

travel day (3.30am wake up), arrive at Thessaloniki, 9hrs printing of thesis, then drinks half-awake. And I don’t know why I’m still awake…

(here’s a 150repetition from Thursday 'training of s**t)

p.s. I also uploaded today the other 2 150s from Thursday (look here: )

or directly here: