Sunday, Oct. 2nd, 2011
2.5 hours on my bike around the peripheral ring of Milan, taking notes on 22 public open urban spaces =P It was nice …
Monday, Oct. 3rd, 2011
- 10min warm up
- 11 x 100m tempo runs on grass
- 20min biking to Sicilian home
- 40min run at the park with older Sicilian
- 17min biking back
bloody blister … (literally)
Tuesday, Oct. 4th, 2011
17min biking to the track
15min warm up
stretch, drill, stride, put on spikes
5 x 200m w/2min rests except 4min rest before the 5th one. @29,30,30,30,31. Hamstrings had a heart attack after the 4th one.
Good session, considering I didn’t feel ‘bouncy’ at all today, and the bloody blister was right over a spike… ouch. -
10min cool down and quality talking, then good stretch
20min gym session (mostly arms and abs)
17min back home.
note: words can’t really explain (shortly enough) how grateful I am for my Sicilian training group. Accumulating with lactic acid is actually a joy, when done collectively =P Only to mention one benefit.
note 2: I just noticed that the last 3.5 weeks I have been working for every single day on my thesis, for a minimum of 6 and maximum of 11 hours per day.
I … need … a … break …
(meeting with my professor tomorrow).