Saturday, March 12th, 2011
I gave up sugar since Wednesday. It’s impressive how I am still going… :rolleyes:
I also stopped drinking coffee since Tuesday (more because I am out, and decided to take a break from it, taking advantage of the coffee-shortage-circumstance). And while I thought these past two years (since I started drinking coffee in my life) that coffee has no effect on me whatsoever, I can barely keep my eyes open since last Wednesday, I suddenly need an afternoon nap, and I’m going to sleep at 10.30…
But I think that if I want to finish my phd one day, I should start drinking again… :o
15min biking
10min warm up jog, few stretching, few drills, few strides
6 x 200m w/2:20-2:30m recoveries, all at 32 and 31, except last rest was at 3min and last rep was at 30secs.
(forgot to take my stats-paper with me, so all this is from memory)
leg press: 8x60, 8x80, 4x90 kg
incline press: 8x26, 8x36, 8x36 kg
tricep pulldowns: 3 sets of 12 reps (don’t remember weights)
master gluteus: 2 sets of 12 reps
swiss ball glute raises: 3 sets of 12 reps
3 way shoulder raises w/2kg plates: 3 sets of 3x12 (12 reps each way)
abs here and there
15min biking