
Sunday, Nov. 28th, 2010

Do you mind if I share a song? I’m not sure what’s better - the lyrics, the melody, or the graphics. All three share this bitter-sweetness that I love on rain days :slight_smile: It seems that all my days here this fall are shared by this same atmosphere!

Actually the rain is not so bad. It inspires a different kind of perspective. I don’t know how people tolerate it year-around in cities like London and Seattle - the minds needs alterations of stimuli. And while this weather inspires me to write restlessly sometimes - with the aid of some tasty red wine and a cup of greek/turkish/arabic coffee (it seems that all three are the same thing, but all three nationalities claim it to be their own creation :o ) , but who really cares…? (not me) … there comes a point when the sun is also wanted - simple =)

It is always interesting on my plane ride here, as it a similar experience every time: Departing from the clear blue bright sky of Greece, then flying for quite some time over an endless carpet of puffy white clouds, in mid air of endless bright blue, and then 20 minutes prior to landing, while the plane begins to descent, we penetrate through the white carpet, that is now perceived as much thicker than before, white surroundings begin to shade. After complete penetration (which sometimes lasts until we hit the ground), the air texture is this foggy gray dooming spirit of a different reality that always strikes me.

I am aware of ‘psychology of perception’, and the fact that perhaps this sudden shock of air-character difference has much to do with my mood, in terms of appreciation, but the eyes cannot be so deceiving to the point of color blindness!

All things are blessings, in the end, because if it were not for rain, I’d perhaps have nothing bitter-sweet to write in this journal today, and I would most likely not even appreciate this lovely song. “The Great Escape”… how fitting it really is!! :smiley:

I love the arts.

I’m really excited about my Bamboo pen (it’s a pen-pad that you attach to your computer and whatever you draw goes on the screen).
Since I seem to be ahead of schedule with everything, I plan to make some comic strips these days. I’m not making promises, but at least one will be done and relating to my research, because I found an Arch. Journal that is looking for such things and I want to publish more. :slight_smile: I love being published.
I’m not the type of the ‘wanna-be-academic’ whose utter most wish is to ‘contribute to the scientific community’… But I like publishing because I enjoy seeing my name printed under a well-done piece of work. I think it’s more of an ego thing… Perhaps I’m a fine-artist more than I am an architect. … what can I say.

Oh yea… this is a training journal:
I was mentioning this morning how it’s raining all day long: True. So:

> 4 x 15 push ups
> 30min resistance on glutes
> 30min explosive strength on hamstrings
> 30min active recovery on hamstrings
> 30min strength on quads

(so I guess this is like my off day, running-wise)

Sunday, Nov. 28th, 2010

Do you mind if I share a song? I’m not sure what’s better - the lyrics, the melody, or the graphics. All three share this bitter-sweetness that I love on rain days :slight_smile: It seems that all my days here this fall are shared by this same atmosphere!

Actually the rain is not so bad. It inspires a different kind of perspective. I don’t know how people tolerate it year-around in cities like London and Seattle - the mind needs alterations of stimuli. And while this weather inspires me to write restlessly sometimes - with the aid of some tasty red wine or a cup of strong sugarless greek/turkish/arabic coffee (it seems that all three are the same thing, but all three nationalities claim it to be their own creation :o ) , but who really cares…? (not me) … there comes a point when the sun is also wanted - simple =)

It is always interesting on my plane ride here, as it a similar experience every time: Departing from the clear blue bright sky of Greece, then flying for quite some time over an endless carpet of puffy white clouds, in mid air of endless bright blue, and then 20 minutes prior to landing, while the plane begins to descent, we penetrate through the white carpet, that is now perceived as much thicker than before, white surroundings begin to shade. After complete penetration (which sometimes lasts until we hit the ground), the air texture is this foggy gray dooming spirit of a different reality that always strikes me.

I am aware of ‘psychology of perception’, and the fact that perhaps this sudden shock of air-character difference has much to do with my mood, in terms of appreciation, but the eyes cannot be so deceiving to the point of color blindness!

All things are blessings, in the end, because if it were not for rain, I’d perhaps have nothing bitter-sweet to write in this journal today, and I would most likely not even appreciate this lovely song. “The Great Escape”… how fitting it really is!! :smiley:

I love the arts.

I’m really excited about my Bamboo pen (it’s a pen-pad that you attach to your computer and whatever you draw goes on the screen).
Since I seem to be ahead of schedule with everything, I plan to make some comic strips these days. I’m not making promises, but at least one will be done and relating to my research, because I found an Arch. Journal that is looking for such things and I want to publish more. :slight_smile: I love being published.
I’m not the type of the ‘wanna-be-academic’ whose utter most wish is to ‘contribute to the scientific community’… But I like publishing because I enjoy seeing my name printed under a well-done piece of work. I think it’s more of an ego thing… Perhaps I’m a fine-artist more than I am an architect. … what can I say.

Oh yea… this is a training journal:
I was mentioning this morning how it’s raining all day long: True. So:

> 4 x 15 push ups
> 30min resistance on glutes
> 30min explosive strength on hamstrings
> 30min active recovery on hamstrings
> 30min strength on quads

(so I guess this is like my off day, running-wise)

Hows the EMS working out for you? It seems like your using it more than previous years training.

Can you describe Charlie’s drill? the low dorsiflexing skip…


EMS works wonders, and I’m hoping it will ‘save’ me this winter. The explosive strength program is really intense for the hamstrings (and I hold the duration of the intensity for more than 4", by cranking it up, or going two pushes up, one push down, if I’m reaching my tolerance limit, for up to 12-14 seconds), and I feel my legs “go” as a result of this especially in the longer sprints.

Charlie’s drill… He main attend that day was to make me to dorsiflex better, so he did a bounding motion (not covering too much ground at all), while toes pointing up as much as possible, but as he bounded, he also cycled each leg through quickly, like a fast A skip (strongly dorsiflexing as the leg went up)… ugghhh it’s reallly hard to explain, I wish I had my camera with me.
Oh; I’ll try and draw it today, showing the consecutive movements. :slight_smile:

EMS works wonders, and I’m hoping it will ‘save’ me this winter. The explosive strength program is really intense for the hamstrings (and I hold the duration of the intensity for more than 4", by cranking it up, or going two pushes up, one push down, if I’m reaching my tolerance limit, for up to 12-14 seconds), and I feel my legs “go” as a result of this especially in the longer sprints.

It’s true that I wasn’t using it as much previous seasons, except for two summers ago when I was extremely busy with workshops, and I just trained a little and EMS’ed each and every night for one month prior to national, and then on the day of the competition I split the 400 in a 200pr (of 25.7"), way ahead of the national champion, and then hit the wall at 250m… :o
I’m thinking (hoping) that if I use the EMS as much as I can (and I can do better than what I’m doing… I just get humanly lazy sometimes), with the existing weather of 1 degree outside and not much chance to do speed work, while working on longer reps with short recoveries for that hard part of the 400, I could see some results for indoors at least.
We’ll see…

Charlie’s drill… His main intention that day was to make me to dorsiflex better, so he did a bounding motion (not covering too much ground at all), while toes pointing up as much as possible, but as he bounded, he also cycled each leg through quickly, like a fast A skip (strongly dorsiflexing as the leg went up)… ugghhh it’s reallly hard to explain, I wish I had my camera with me.
Oh; I’ll try and draw it today, showing the consecutive movements. :slight_smile:

If you get a chance can you post your EMS routine? I have a compex sport and it has the preset program. I use the explosive program and its something like 4-6 seconds on 25-30 seconds off (I loose count) how do you get the EMS to stay on for 12-14 sec?

Hi Jay,
what I do is, when the intensity goes up (in the explosive strength program), after it goes on its own for 2", I start pressing the + button. You will notice (if our machines are the same ) that when you press + or - during the intensity part, it will not go back to the resting intensity until you are finished cranking (or lowering).

About EMS routine, I try to do it two-three times per week (in theory…) strengthening in glutes, hamstrnigs and quads (all on the same day), and the days in between I do active recovery. I read someplace that the active recovery program also has capilarization properties, so you’re training while using that program also; I like to put it up to my limit (I have the MI sensor, so it tests my muscles how much they can handle), and it really tones them up nicely (I think :stuck_out_tongue: )

Sorry about the drill that I said I will illustrate today (I shouldn’t promise such things to happen right away), I will do it as soon as I find time :slight_smile: !!! No worries, it will happen…

Monday, Nov. 29th, 2010

(all on grass park today)

  • 15min warm up

  • 10min dynamic stretching

  • 5 x 10m A skips uphill

  • 5 x 25m B skips (flat)

  • 6 x 10 depth jump plyos up a hill (with small pauses) > these kinda burnt my quads, which I felt for the rest of the session, I nearly pulled the right one :o

lots of stretching

  • 1 x 80m alternate leg bound plyos

  • 8 x 100m fast and relaxed (theoretically speaking :o), slow walk back recoveries. These actually felt nice and fast. For grass standards, at least.

  • 5 x 60m right-right-left-left plyos (this is my favorite exercise)

  • 2 x 35m hills (walk back) > right quad not doing too well, so I switched it to:

  • 4 x 35m running A’s uphill (surprisingly this didn’t hurt)


  • 4 sets of low sideways rubber-band walking (about 10 steps each direction per set) > ouch
  • push ups


  • active recovery on quads (I ruined them today :o)
  • active recovery on hamstrings
  • active recovery on calves

Enjoy today’s song:

(double post)

Tuesday, Nov. 30th, 2010

  • 30min warm up run to the park
  • 10min dynamic stretching
  • 6 x 300m tempo
    Sooooooo colddd to be doing this… (3 degrees), I’m having trouble breathing, and I know it’s more trouble than the average (non-athlete) person, and I know this for a fact because when I go running with my researcher friend in this kind of weather, I always have trouble breathing, while he is fine (who only runs very occasionally). Today with the 300s I thought I had asthma…

Dejan explained this (as usual … this guy is a tuttologist!! > funny way of characterizing someone as omniscient)… it’s like the asthma phenomenon of cross country skiers… When the athlete has low body fat in the abdomen area, and fairly strong abdomens, while the muscles are cold, they contract more, and push against the diaphragm, hence the feeling of shortage of oxygen. According to my man-friend (i’m sure he read about this somewhere), men experience this phenomenon less than women, because the abdomen is the area of concentration of fat in their body, so their temperature there is greater .
As the body slowly warms up and the muscles expand,(but problem is I cannot possibly warm up in this weather, unless I’m doing one big long run), the depth of the breathing is increased, and things feel better overall.

Now I want to start a thread of whether or not this ‘breathing suffering’ (during tempo), helps at all for the aerobic component and fitness of the 400 - meaning; is more work being done, as opposed to doing the same session in warm temperature?
So please if you would like to give some constructive feedback on the above, go here:

Yesterday was a snow day, and then I was at the university all day,and then I lost the training day. It happens…

Thursday, Dec. 2nd, 2010

(2 degrees)

  • 15min bike to the park

  • 20min warm up

  • 5min dynamic stretching

  • 5 x 20m A skips uphill

  • 5 x 20m running A’s uphill

  • 5 x 30m scissor kicks uphill

  • 10 x 120m hills, slow walk back recoveries
    these went well ! (I was well warmed up, I also had some children-audience in the beginning, that must have helped :o I was like a superhero).
    And this is the last time I’m saying that a stranger cut my training session short because of ‘disturbance’, because soon people will think I’m making things up… :confused:
    Point is, the goal was to do 15 hills today, but I cut it short…

  • 15min bike back

  • abs and push ups

I dont know how the hell you do this but I put it at 50mA and i try to go up and down but damn… Im too busy trying to fight the pain… I have to post this on youtube its funny as hell…

Anyway how high do you crank up the stim before you start going up and down.

Also how long are the rest periods?


I dont know how the hell you do this but I put it at 50mA and i try to go up and down but damn… Im too busy trying to fight the pain… I have to post this on youtube its funny as hell…

Anyway how high do you crank up the stim before you start going up and down.

Also how long are the rest periods?


It’s only pain :stuck_out_tongue: You’ll get used to it !
Which muscle category are you working on when going up to 50mA? I have different 'pb’s for different muscles. With glutes, I’ve gone up to 300, with hamstrings I’m usually in the 120mA range (sometimes higher, sometimes lower), and my ‘shameful’ category are my quads, which are in the 50-60mA zone, on a good day. I’m progressive with the cranking in the first 2 reps, but for example with hamstrings, I’ll start at 70-80.
Make sure you’re not lying flat on your stomach with the hamstrings, because you can cramp seriously… I’m on my feet, bent forward at 90 degrees when I do them, but the Compex booklet doesn’t describe such a position - I find it the most effective.

For explosive strength and strength, I believe that the rests are 40".

Please, post on youtube :slight_smile:

Damn 300mA??? how long did it take to get to that? I would prob tear something… GEEZ

It funny that you mention the quads I cant get past 60 either… maybe more type 2 fibers there? Im going to try going on a glute ham machine for my hamstrings.

As far as youtube goes… I have to post when Im talking and in mid sentence the stim cranks up… LOL

For glutes, it was 2nd or 3rd try around :stuck_out_tongue:

Friday, Dec. 3rd, 2010

(all on grass)

  • 20min warm up
  • 5 min dynamic stretching
  • 100+100+100+
    100+100+ 'interview interruption here by kind old men of the park :slight_smile:
    100+ (I stopped here because I started turning ankles in holes very frequently during this set and I didn’t like it any more)
    (+ = less than 50m walk, ++ = 100m walk)

At the monkey bars:

  • 4 x 12 dips

  • 3 x 8 chin ups

  • 2 x 10 pull ups

  • abs and push ups

The more bodyfat you have over the muscles you are trying to stimulate the higher the electrical resistance. Leaner people will thus have to use lower mA, and areas with a thicker layer of fat (e.g. glutes) can tolerate higher currents.

Saturday, Dec. 4th, 2010

  • 40min easy run. I had an irritation very very low and to the inside of of my right shin, which probably derives from the right ankle twisting from Friday’s fields, so I went home to give it a rest.


  • 40min strength on glutes (up to 140mA)
  • 30min explosive strength on hamstrings (up to 120mA)
  • 30min active recovery on hamstrings
  • 30min active recovery on calves
  • 40min strength on quads (up to 60mA)

Went to Blue Note and ate foie gras for the first time, sooo delicious and such good music… And too much red wine… Need to hydrate !!!

Yes, it also has much to do with muscle density (the more dense, the easier to tolerate), and pain tolerance factor, of course… :rolleyes:

Sunday, Dec. 5th, 2010

Long warm up, and 2hrs EMS, push ups and abs
(rain, I think? Or snow. I forgot)

Monday, Dec. 6th, 2010
off (rain)

Tuesday, Dec. 7th, 2010

(more rain and lots of it)

3 hours EMS

  • strength on glutes (150mA)
  • expl. strength on hamstrings (130mA)
  • active recovery on hamstrings
  • active recovery on calves
  • strength on quads (50mA)
  • active recovery quads

100 push ups and abs

Tomorrow I get wet again, and then I think the rain stops.

can you explain this 3 hours EMS?
Seems too much work!

50mA on quad?
