Sunday, Nov. 28th, 2010
Do you mind if I share a song? I’m not sure what’s better - the lyrics, the melody, or the graphics. All three share this bitter-sweetness that I love on rain days It seems that all my days here this fall are shared by this same atmosphere!
Actually the rain is not so bad. It inspires a different kind of perspective. I don’t know how people tolerate it year-around in cities like London and Seattle - the mind needs alterations of stimuli. And while this weather inspires me to write restlessly sometimes - with the aid of some tasty red wine or a cup of strong sugarless greek/turkish/arabic coffee (it seems that all three are the same thing, but all three nationalities claim it to be their own creation :o ) , but who really cares…? (not me) … there comes a point when the sun is also wanted - simple =)
It is always interesting on my plane ride here, as it a similar experience every time: Departing from the clear blue bright sky of Greece, then flying for quite some time over an endless carpet of puffy white clouds, in mid air of endless bright blue, and then 20 minutes prior to landing, while the plane begins to descent, we penetrate through the white carpet, that is now perceived as much thicker than before, white surroundings begin to shade. After complete penetration (which sometimes lasts until we hit the ground), the air texture is this foggy gray dooming spirit of a different reality that always strikes me.
I am aware of ‘psychology of perception’, and the fact that perhaps this sudden shock of air-character difference has much to do with my mood, in terms of appreciation, but the eyes cannot be so deceiving to the point of color blindness!
All things are blessings, in the end, because if it were not for rain, I’d perhaps have nothing bitter-sweet to write in this journal today, and I would most likely not even appreciate this lovely song. “The Great Escape”… how fitting it really is!!
I love the arts.
I’m really excited about my Bamboo pen (it’s a pen-pad that you attach to your computer and whatever you draw goes on the screen).
Since I seem to be ahead of schedule with everything, I plan to make some comic strips these days. I’m not making promises, but at least one will be done and relating to my research, because I found an Arch. Journal that is looking for such things and I want to publish more. I love being published.
I’m not the type of the ‘wanna-be-academic’ whose utter most wish is to ‘contribute to the scientific community’… But I like publishing because I enjoy seeing my name printed under a well-done piece of work. I think it’s more of an ego thing… Perhaps I’m a fine-artist more than I am an architect. … what can I say.
Oh yea… this is a training journal:
I was mentioning this morning how it’s raining all day long: True. So:
> 4 x 15 push ups
> 30min resistance on glutes
> 30min explosive strength on hamstrings
> 30min active recovery on hamstrings
> 30min strength on quads
(so I guess this is like my off day, running-wise)