"Starting Strength"(Book)

scott is that you doing the weights demo’s at the end of the gpp dvd?

Yes. Number 2 asked me to demo one day I was working for/learning from him. The entire session was filmed in about 50 minutes - with a lot of the video not used. 10 hang . . rest 20 seconds . . . 10 power cleans . . . rest 20 seconds . . . OK another 10 power, but get your hips through . . . rest 20 seconds . . . The weight was incredibly light, but I was a little tired by the end to say the least.

Its actaully easier to get better form, especailly at the catch, with heavier weight too - irony.

Of course doing so much work you couldn’t so hence the fatigue

A cue I thought worked well for most to ensure that the angle of the back stays constant in the first pull was to keep the shoulders directly over or even slightly ahead of the bar for as long as possible.

With a movement of the bar slightly back towards the legs once the first pull is begun, a dkb almost has to occur during the end of the first pull and the beginning of the second pull.

Stay over the bar.

I have just read in the Starting Strength book on page 181-182, that “stomp actually sharpens the timing of the racking movement” – same thing that no23 outlined!
I didn’t knew this was called ‘stomp’ – I was just wondering what the hell this means while reading the book — coincidence?? :rolleyes:
I was in Karatash (near Kladovo — near Romania) in Sat and there was Oly lifting promotional Balkan championship for Bosnia & Hercegovina, Bulgaria, Serbia and Greece. I noticed that some of the lifters ‘stomped’ to full squat under the bar… the jumped to it!!! weird… This was my first Oly champhionship I have watched and I must say it was very interesting and intense… gotta repeat this experience :slight_smile:
Scott, as you 200% already know, you do not apply great force to the bar after the the jump phase and at the beggining of racking phase… You use you hands to push yourself down against the bar, not the bar up!! So, the statement that coach made is certainly not true… The stomp may actually (I think) speed up the lowering of the body to catch the bar, because you don’t need to push against muscle viscosity etc when the feet are on the ground… what do you think?

well, well, well the things you find out…I never knew that was Scott in the GPP DVD. I must have another look at it and that ‘crappy’ form :stuck_out_tongue:

the word is Maori and there is a HUGE fuss over the use of designs being used for tatoos and logos especially by non Maori as they are usually bastardised forms with no cultural significance. A large number of Maori now have traditional style full face tatoos as per the pic below and some woman have a Moko which is where the chin is covered, here is a website with more info …but I digress :stuck_out_tongue:

Back to your squat, one thing I noticed was there appears to be no noticeable difference in depth between high and low bar, not saying that is bad just interesting as that isn’t always the case.

They are real “beauties” :rolleyes:

May not be beautiful but very culturally significant.

Personally I don’t like tatoos :eek: and all these people with heaps of them on arms legs and torso gross me out. That said I respect people who have them for cultural significance (Samaon, Maori etc)…no offence intended to anyone who has a tatoo that is just my view.

Good point John.

Hey - Imagine how the Chinese feel?

There are 3x as many chinese tatoos as there are people now … and half of them probably are spelt wrong!

[The best story has to be when David Beckham went to get his wife Victorias name tatted on his forearm in Indian and they spelt it wrong with a ‘H’ in the middle of it…]

I don’t want to talk with you anymore John!!! :mad:

Kiddin’ :slight_smile:
I especially like those latino guys in wife-beaters and bunch of tattoos… they are awesome!!!

MadBall — Pride (Times are changing)

Am I finally went mad :confused: :smiley:

I’m not exactly sure - but I think the reason that he used to get so upset was that the athletes weren’t getting full extension before their feet were actually leaving the floor. I’ll have to ask him next time.

Interesting thought about the viscosity thing .I usually tend to use the ‘slide’ when preforming a full clean, but still use more of a ‘stomp’ when performing a power version. The slide (full clean) tends to be slightly backwards and barely wider, while the stomp tends be to a little back and definitely wider. I think that I do this (power version) as it not only reinforces the hip snap, but also tend to give a bit a a more solid base to absorb the eccentric force higher up in the catch (if that makes any sense whatsoever.) Also, it was the way I was initially taught.

Now you can finally put a face to a name. I think I was around 185 back then - the lightest I’ve been in a very long time.

Ah . . . those were the days. Nothing to do but (a) follow Number 2 around and soak up a ton of info, (b) work out, and © go to a university class or two every once in a while.

One of the cues that I have used to teach the full extension is to really get the student to understand they must jump/explode upwards with the bar.
This does 3 things - obviously teaches them full extension, but also demonstrates the exact nature and benefit of the PC and lastly becuase the bar reaches such a height they don’t have to worry about getting underneath it as much.

When teaching the PC progression is vital. Otherwise the student is jumping ahead in steps and the form is out the window.

I might have notes somewhere from my days learning the movements and the one thing we were drilled with was the correct technique - but most importantly the proper progressions to get to the right technique.

Yes, jumping with the weight is the essential and prerequisite understanding for clean technique…
Here is the progression I use for teaching Olys, plus I implement both clean catch and snatch cathc (to learn rhe catch).
This is a progression I use posted on
“Preview of GPP training program for elite TKD fighter” thread:

General strength

  • Front Squat technique
  • OverHead Squat
  • OverHead Lunge
  • DeadLifts
  • Romanian DeadLifts
  • Military Press

The Catch

  • Snatch Catch (standing on toes, bar on shoulders, dip to overhead squat)
  • Clean Catch (pull the bar to chest on toes, dip to squat and catch)

Jerk & Jump&Shrug

  • Jerk
  • Jump & Shrug (from power position)

First Pull

  • Snatch First Pull
  • Clean First Pull

Double Knee Bend

  • Shrug & Jump (Emphasis on Shrug motion)
  • Shrug & Jump & Throw (3+1)
  • Shrug & Jump + RDL to knee level (3+3)
  • Pull from knees (knees back, knees forward, jump & shrug -> with pause)
  • Pull from knees (knees back, knees forward, jump & shrug -> fluid)
  • Pull from knees to power snatch (1+1)
  • Reverse to floor (Shrug & Jump, knees forward, knees back, start position -> with pause)
  • Reverse to floor (Shrug & Jump, knees forward, knees back, start position -> fluid)
  • Knees back, knees forward, Shrug & Jump (coach dirigated)
  • Knees back, knees forward, Shrug & Jump (on own rhythm)
  • Pyramids (both up & down)
  • Full Lifts

I meant more like

Travis Barker

:eek: :rolleyes:

Scott, I had seen a pic form the ones you sent of your gym…I just need to check out the crappy clean form :stuck_out_tongue: