i realize that for performance we take long rest between sprints. however i have a client who needs to lose some fat and gain some muscle.
she is 19. earlier this year was training for a 10k. never ran the race due to a tight IT band.
she’s also injuried her hamstring in the past.
so my first question, shoud i use long rest or short rest peroids?
and secondly with the previous hamstring injury any ideas on what distances and intensities should i start her at?
Actually the glute med. up top and the Glute max. at the lower insertion ALSO attach to the ITB and contribute to its tension and the TFL’s primary role is as a hip flexor not abductor.
How long ago was the hamstring injury and what was it’s cause?
Agree with David W. Get everything in balance and firing properly first and then look at starting the sprinting otherwise she’s going to injure herself big time.
If its not performance sprinting she’s aiming for I would imagine that tempo routines on track or in gym with fairly short would be a sure way of loosing fat . And would be necessary for conditioning prior to speed work in any case .
Building muscle would come from correct diet and/or weight work
i haven’t had a chance to get my hands on her. but i’m starting to think she was misdiagnosed, she says the pain is coming from the out side of her lower leg.
isn’t the insertion point for the IT at the front of lower leg?