Sprinter1's Training Journal

February 24, 2005

Seagrave Warm up

February 25, 2005

Seagrave Warm up
2x500 @ 400 PR +:16 at 400 - 15:00 rest
3x5x40m sleds

1 Legged squat back leg elevated 18" 3x6= 60, 70, 85
1a Bench press 6x8= 165
1b 30 degree DB row 6x8= 30
Supermans… Easy posture 3x6
Body Curls 4x6

February 28, 2005

Seagrave Warm up
7x200 @ :31 - 2:04 rest
27.94, 30.60, 29.54, 30.87, 30.89, 31.23, 29.84

Hang clean from box/plates 4x3= 140, 160, 180, 200

March 1, 2005

Seagrave Warm up
Block work 3x30m, 1 popout
Acceleration work - falling starts, bow touch and go starts, and push up clap starts

Hang clean from box/plates 4x3= 200
1 Legged squat back leg elevated 18" 5x6= 80

March 2, 2005

Seagrave Warm up
2x500 @ 400 PR +:16 at 400 - 15:00 rest

3x4x36 in. box jumps