Sprint Workout?

I just got done with indoor track season and I wasn’t too happy about my performances. I’m heavier and feel slower than last year although my legs are stronger but I’m going HARD for 2.5 weeks before the start of outdoor track in spring which starts March 6

I need a workout for the 100 & 200m events. Something tough and effective. If anyone would be kind enough to post something, thanks a lot.

I can get a hold of blocks and my struggles were usually at the start however I havent had the flying speed I had last spring whether its because of my weight or injuries

anyone please?

2.5 weeks isn’t much time. In general, I suggest…

Acceleration work once a week along with weight training. These are going to be 10 meters, maybe 15 meters, in sets of 10. 2-3 sets.

Max velocity work once a week along with weight training. I would start with flying 20s. A 25 to 30m acceleration followed by 20 meters of top end speed where you are relaxing and maintaining speed as opposed to continuing to try to accelerate or fight for more speed. 7-10x with 4-5 minutes of recovery between.

Speed endurance once a week along with weight training. I would use a short running start on these and then run fast for 70 meters. Over time, I would increase the distance, but you don’t have much time.

In between days, I would do some tempo runs at less than 75%, covering distances in the 100 to 200 meter range – probably 500 meters or so in a set, running 2 or 3 sets. Use less than a minute of recovery between sets and about 2 minutes between sets.

If you search around on this site, you will find a lot of details about this – and probably better stuff than I have provided here.

Point is, for my time, I’d spend it getting some acceleration work, some on max velocity and some on speed endurance. And I would hit the weights if you haven’t been doing that.

Search the site when you have time. In the meantime, I hope my suggestions help you get started.

What did your lifting volume look like during indoor?

What’s the vweather like where you are now? If it’s decent, you could try a brrief period of hill work as you can see laid out in the GPP download from the store. That way you could get in accel work that would be challenging without overtaxing the CNS. If the weather is poor you can do something along the lines Speedz suggests (with the SE between short speed and top speed session in the week) Keep the speed vol reasonable but challenge yourself by increasing the volume of extensive tempo- preferably on grass if possible or perhaps in the pool if the weather’s still poor.

Would this be used only for transition times from a GPP-SPP or Spp1-Spp2?

Reading this made me think about an athlete who may be taxed from training and needs a break cns-wise in the middle of a phase (i.e. SPP). Could this approach work then, or rather the more obvious rest-recovery option?

Well, the GPP phase stands on its own but modified content from the GPP could be used briefly for recovery when CNS overload is an issue. Remember, GPP work tends to increase throughout while recovery workload is static.
It usually takes 10 days to recover from a CNS overload- provided it’s not too severe. Coincidentally, 10 days is the time set for a taper to generate a CNS rebound for maximal performance.

Weathers getting better…still cold in high 30s-low 40s.

but i have a question…how much is my weight affecting me.
Last spring, I was @ 175 with 12-15% BF running well…11.2 and 23.8 hand timed for the sprints but i wasnt doing much lower body lifting

i went into winter(indoor) @ 190 around same BF level with stronger legs by a good amount but…my performance seemed to drop. @ first…it was my start but i worked on it and fixed it up a little with better reaction but then it seemed like my flying speed wasnt as good because kids were getting me at the end of the 55m. Last spring I was most dominant with flying speed because I was the 1 catching up to people.

My indoor 55 times were 7.09ish FAT, 6.8 hand timed so I was disappointed

Im currently losing weight while trying to maintain strength. Am i heading the right way?

Losing weight is a good idea, especially if you can maintain or increase strength. I would think that the weight will come off through normal training. You shouldn’t need to do anything extra around that. Just watch what you eat. Eat a well balanced diet with an emphasis on fruit, vegetables and high quality, low-fat protein. Stay patient, there are no quick fixes.

yeah i understand that i need my diet to be as great as possible. the only fix im doing is running more instead of sitting around. so if i get chance…i go out and play basketball or run elliptical or treadmill even im not too tired to jog 25-35 minutes around lakes

the fat i have is just my lower abs and little love handles but rest of body is good

i can see my upper abs when i flex but my lower still sticks out and thats the most stubborn fat to lose

You might ask Dallas Robinson what he thought his chances were once he gained back–after he got injured, etc.–the weight he lost to sprint last year.

I went from about 215 to 195 at 6’4" over about 2 years after I decided that I wanted to weigh what Asafa weighs. There’s no doubt in my mind that losing the weight made me faster, but it is very difficult for anyone to separate weight loss performance effects from training performance effects.

The key, I think, is to make a longer-term commitment to doing it slowly. If you keep the weight loss to not more than about 1 pound per week, you can do so without losing strength and without missing nutrients like protein that you need for recovery from the track.