100m Sprint history goes under the hammer – What’s your bid?
Wednesday 4 January 2006
Monte-Carlo - A World record spike of the ‘World’s Fastest Man’, Asafa Powell (JAM) and the World Championships’ gold medal winning body suit of the current World and Olympic 100m champion Justin Gatlin (USA) are just two of the stunning items of athletics history which will be up for auction beginning Monday 16 January. Details of the web based auction venue and the bidding process will be confirmed shortly.
The IAAF’s humanitarian project ‘Athletics for a Better World: The IAAF Stars’ Donation Fund’, offers fans of World and Olympic track and field athletics the chance to buy pieces of unique sporting history.
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Justin Gatlin of the US hands his 100m World Championships suit to IAAF Ambassador Debbie Ferguson
Fifty star athletes from the Olympics’ number one sport, 23 of whom have been World Record breakers during their career have donated items of personal memorabilia associated with some of their greatest sporting triumphs, to the project whose proceeds are to be distributed between three United Nations organisations, FAO, UNICEF and the WFP.
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World 100m record for Powell - 9.77 seconds
On Tuesday 14 June 2005 in Athens, Greece, Asafa Powell of Jamaica broke the World 100 metres record at the Athens Super Grand Prix Tsiklitiria 2005.
Powell’s time was clocked as 9.77 seconds (wind 1.6m/s). “I knew that I could do it," commented Powell. “I did my best. It feels great to be the fastest man in the world.”
Powell’s signed World record breaking sprinting spike shoe (right foot) will be up for auction on 16 January.
2005 World 100m Championship Gold Medallist - Gatlin
On Sunday 7 August 2005 in Helsinki, Finland, Justin Gatlin of the USA sped to the World Championship 100m gold medal in 9.88 seconds (wind 0.4m/s).
“It feels very good. I’m also gonna be the fastest man in the world in the future. I have much more left to take. I believe that I can break the World record. I am the Olympic champion and the World champion but I want ‘Justin GATLIN’ to be the champion of everything. If there is a gold medal for it, I want to win it!” – said Gatlin who went on to win the 200m title on 11 August.
Gatlin’s signed double gold medal winning World Championship bodysuit will be up for auction on 16 January.