I came across this site and it claims to have alot of articles and info for various sports but i requires a membership fee of 67$/year… has anyone had a membership there or heard anything about the site? Is it worth the money?

information should be free, especially on the internet. youll probably get more for your money by picking up a good text book.

I want to pay for some good info cf. :slight_smile:

It was reccomended to me when I was training myself and I joined up, I thoiught it was quite good until my membership ran out and I found this site FOR FREE.

Most of the articles don’t give you enough detail, and the programmes are no where near as good as the info you get off the guys on here.

When I was a member it was run by Ryan Lee, the guy mentioned in the coaching thread at the moment.

Not recomended.


I agree with PaulVaulter. I never actually joined for a full membership, but rather had Ryan Lee send me a weekly news e-mail. I, too, found it to be interesting, until I found my physiotherapy education, Charlie Francis and his site, and any number of other coaches, to be more interesting and informative.

AND FOR FREE…at least Charlie and the aforementioned “other coaches”. The damn education is quite expensive.