Sports??? why???

Why do u we play sports?? i mean why do we take it seriously as a career??? if u r a banker u help ppl save money if u r a doctor u cure ppl but if u r a sportsman wht do u really do??? i am soooooooo eager to hear ur answers especially Charlie’s…sure he didnt spend all tht effort in training in vain

In this day and age what you are doing for other people through a sporting-career is creating entertainment.

For the athlete himself there could be any number of different reasons:

It’s a habit.
For personal enjoyment.
Because your good at it.
Because it is something you just have to do.
Out of fear.

[… This is from a team sport view point …]

I was just thinking about this the other night and I know it sounds strange at first … but … on a sports field, everyone is even and it is the closest place I can get to imposing my dominance on another male.

I can use my strength, my power, my speed, skill etc. to dominate another male … it’s winning, it’s sucess, it’s ego, it’s fear, it’s greed - it’s all these (bad?) things … but damn it I love it.

It may be the closest arena in which I will come, to experiencing war in my life time.

(… maybe I need to go lie down now … where’s teddy?)

:smiley: Agree. My boss hated me for training so much and wondered why I did it, and if it took too much out of me. When I was injured and couldn’t train for 6 weeks - after 5 she asked me when I was going to start training. I was moody son of a gun

It may be the closest arena in which I will come, to experiencing war in my life time.

I pray that is the closest anyone here ever comes to war.

I really can’t explain why I’m doing this. Its just something that sparked me and let me go non stop. I just feel like I’m just walking the path and that nothing can stop me. I don’t know whats controlling me but its so wierd. I’m just being lead to somewhere that I can’t resist gojng that way. Hard to explain but then let me say something. If sports was a religion then god. It was gonna be the best practiced world wide. And everyone would have tried being more religious than others :smiley: . Even though it takes a 10 times more harder work than normal religion practices that we each skip everyday!!! :rolleyes:

i am with u tht its a place where u can show ur dominance where u get respected by all ppl…i dont want this dominance to be pride…i want it so tht when i get to talk ,when i get to spill off all the thoughts i got ppl got to hear me…ppl hear the strong ones only…one more point being an athelete is a responsibility u all the time remind urself tht u must nt do so coz u r an athelete…so it helps u keep stucked in the good road in life…but u still didnt tell us ur opinion Charlie

It’s not for me to tell anyone what should motivate them. It’s entirely personal. As for me, I was good at sprinting (and nothing else athletic!) from an early age and it progressed from there. As it turned out, it was a great paying summer job, as I got a free university education. I have a friend who’s sending his son to Stanford in the fall. It’ll cost him 65,000 Can dollars per year!

I tell a lot of people that with all things you’re going to deal with a risk:benefit and work:reward relationship; it’s always a very personal decision. I was talking to a trainer that works in a local health club the other day and he was telling me he didn’t know why kids play football. He said with all of the injuries he’s seen why would someone do that. Anyway, later in the conversation we were talking about a robbery at a local restaurant and he mentioned he used to be a manager and he had been robbed before and had a gun put to his head. I yelled at him, “you won’t let someone play football but you’ll work somewhere where someone can walk in and put a gun to your head!” I guess you just have to love it. I regret quitting football in high school every day because I felt I was making a mature decision in deciding to just run track because I knew I had the talent to secure a scholarship. That’s life for ya!!

Sometimes it can be as easy an answer as I was good at it & it felt good to win. Ohter times it’s much more difficult (probably why the masses shake their heads & ask “why?”).
I was raised that sports are what you do until you die. It is as natural as breathing. The venues & levels may change but it is always there.
In my sports, I like the fact that I have to face my insecurities (too many) & fears (catching me fast some days) & still do it. Whether it is a crap run or my best, I must own it. There is no BS & being able to say “it was great” when it wasn’t. It can stretch your character to the point it feels like it will break but you can always come out stronger for it if you choose to learn from the experience.
My father was dying of cancer & on the last Sept long weekend of his life, we raced his final sailing races (one of his true passions) :slight_smile: . The urgency I saw in him with having to get there & get on the water taught me what sports are to us… when you look at the end of your days, it’s the wonderful feeling you want to have “just one more time”. It was a gift that he got to experience that & I helped give it to him.

ur opinion is very imressive and ur father’s story (God Bless him) is soooooo inspiring…believe me i wont forget it

Man good bless your dad. And my you good luck with whatever you do :wink:

<clap> <clap> Great post.

The process…gold in the water.