SPOILER MMA chuck vs evans fight



I wasn’t expecting that! Bigup to Rashad though, might be KO of the year. I’ve never seen Chuck folded like that before. Rashad gets Forrest next, what’s next for Chuck?

Mate Chuck had to chase Rasheed for 1 1/2 rounds before Rasheed landed that lucky punch. Regardless Rasheed needs to get past, wanderlei silva, spider , Machida before he gets a title shot.

Chuck just needs to be more patient when trying to knock out his opponents, everyone knows his game, and whilst he has KO power, Spider stalks his prey and sets them up before the kill, maybe Chuck could learn from Spider. As for Evans, I don’t like him, don’t rate him either.

I would like to see Evans match up Rich Franklin- the guy has lost two only two fighters Spider and Machida - the best two stand up strikers in MMA.

Chuck chased, but he’s too slow. Bad gameplan considering that Chuck knew he was slower than Rashad, and said so in pre-fight interviews. Besides, Chuck is better as a counter-puncher anyways.

You say lucky punch, I say good fighters make it happen, he threw, he landed, lights out Chuck. Chuck threw his uppercut, but Rashad beat him to the punch, literally. Rashad was starting to find his rythym in the second round, he tagged Chuck a few times before the KO, watch the replay for proof.

You may not like him, but he might be the next LHW champ. Dana said Rashad could get Forrest next, Machida will have to wait again. Not fair for Lyoto, but such is life.

I almost never watch MMA and I have never seen either of these guys other than the video posted here. But I gotta say, Liddel needs to learn something about boxing. No boxer with even a minimal amount of training and experience should ever get hit with that punch – long, looping and easily dodged. Does he attack with his eyes closed?

Chuck Liddel is a bit old and pretty washed up these days. I’m surprised he’s still fighting actually.

Well, most MMA guys would not last 2 rounds with a really skilled boxer or Kickboxer. There are exceptions of course, some MMA guys have great striking like Anderson Silva, Rich Franklin, Lyoto Machida, even B.J. Penn is a decent boxer. But I think in Chuck’s case he’s just old and slow. I mean, the man has a pot belly for goodness sakes. (I know Fedor does too, but he’s a freak) Rashad is fast, but the old Chuck would have mauled him.

I’m not saying life ends at 39, I just think Chuck needs to adjust his training to keep up with the young guys. These young fighters are in great shape.

about an MMA guy only lasting one or two rounds with a really good boxer or kickboxer depends on what rules you apply. If it is MMA and in a cage, I will take an average MMA guy to beat either. Almost every fight ends up on the ground. I boxed for 11 yrs amateur and trained in Enshin Karate, so I am not biased against boxing or kick boxing. I belive Roy Jones would outbox every 205er. Put him in an MMA contest and I think he would be lucky to get out of a round. I trained in Jiu Jitsu for about a year and if you don’t know it, you will get spanked by someone who does(good practioner). It’s so techinical, if you don’t know counters, it’s easy to get caught in even simple stuff. That said, Chuck needs to learn what I did at 8. Never throw an uppercut from the outside, tuck your chin, and keep your hands near your face not by your sides. If he wants to continue fighting he needs to use his offensive wrestling and some GNP and quit trying to KO everybody with the right hand. How about some leg kicks? Thats a novel idea.

Agreed, I should have clarified, I meant strictly in a boxing or striking contest, I think a trained boxer or kickboxer will beat most MMA guys.

It is sometimes difficult to watch the poor striking. My friend has been involved in martial arts for 28 yrs and has owned 2 schools. He wanted to kill either Rogan or Goldberg after the last UFC. Someone complemented Franklin on a great kick and it was a shitty kick technique wise. But falling away instead of hips at the target. He can’t watch UFC. Only people like GSP, Fedor, BJ. I agree, put Shawn Sherk in a boxing match with Floyd and he would be lucky not to be KO’d in 1 round.

Machida … should be a long way infront of Rashad for LHW shot, but I would be more than happy for him much up with Rich, because he would lose.

Lets wait and see how the division goes, my top LHW

1-Anderson Silva
5-Forest ( he has the title, but isnt that well skilled)
7- Rashad/Franklin

but part of his problem I think is he is a very cautious fighter. When he fought Ortiz(I was there live), he does too much backing up. It could make for boring fights which could weigh in on decision about title shot. Plus, he is relatively unknown. That aside, he is a super efficient fighter. I think Rashad is talented, but I think the top guys in the division would school him. He is a fast but sloppy puncher. His KO of Chuck was kind of a haymaker, not a precision shot like A.Silva might throw. I think Forrest would beat him due to being a good submission fighter, tough as nails, and much more fit than Rashad. Rashad always seems to hit the wall fatigue wise in all his fights. Just imagine adding two more rounds. Plus, he needs to quit that nipple tweaking crap. Can someone explain what the hell that was all about!

I don’t think I would give Anderson the #1 spot just yet. Yes he kicked James Irvins ass, but I think most LH’s would as well. We see the free fall Houston Alexander is experiencing so I don’t put much stock in Irvins win against him. I think he needs to fight a legitimate LH contender and see how he fares. My idea for a dream fight would be Silva vs Fedor at 205. Fedor weighs in for fights at 230. He could easily trim up his body and perhaps make 205. I think Fedor would kill him though. That would settle the whos pound for pound debate. How would Silva fare against Forrest who is much bigger than him? How would he fare against Rampage who is way stronger than him? Those questions need to be anwsered before I call him #1 LH.

Nipple twisting, GSP does it too, maybe it’s a Greg Jackson camp thing.

Forrest works hard, he is a very tough, busy fighter who lands lots of shots so I give him his props. He is tough to handle on the ground too. You can’t ground n’ pound or submit him, and with his size and strength he just stands up eventually. Still, he won’t beat Lyoto or Anderson. He won’t be able to touch Lyoto or get him to the ground, and Silva will tag him if he wades in too close. Forrest vs Franklin would be interesting. Forrest has the advantage on the ground I think, which might make Rich a little tentative worrying about the takedown.

I can’t argue against the Rashad rankings, everytime I bet against him I lose, so what do I know? As for ‘the punch’, it was an overhand right, one of Chuck’s favourites too I think. Interesting fact, the overhand right, although not very technical looking, is supposed to be a good weapon against southpaws.

Show Gun is a beast and he was all over Forest before he ran out of gas. I would like to see him back in the Octagon ASAP.