
1- In running you hit max velocity after 2-3 seconds and it can be maintained for 2-3 seconds. In speed skating how long does it take to hit max v and how long can this be maintained for (time)?

2- Would a speed skater use the same training philosophy as a runner? A 500 oval the shortest event in speed skating takes under 40 seconds so would the training be similar to that of a quarter miler? Would they do acceleration work, ma v work, speed end work and lactate work? Is the work easier or harder to recover from than that on land?

3- Is speed Skating primarily a concentric action? Is a swing phase involved? Does this do the same damage to soft tissue and muscle as sprinting does?

One thing to consider is the fact that while the events may take a similar time, you are spending less time doing work as much of it is sliding, while in running not only do you have the strong concentric portion, but and incredibly strong eccentric action (which as you alluded to in your other question) does not seem to have nearly the same presence as it does in sprinting (they aren’t landing on the ice from a high hip height).

From what I can see from some training footage from dutch and others, plus my understanding…(points in no particular order…)

  1. some 100m are run in W Cup competition,under 9"50 times…
    2)If you see the Olympics on tv, you’ll see there is not a so definite division btwn pure sprinters and “milers”:this is due to the technical factor, the determining one.So we can see athletes comepting at the top level in 1000m (about 70" efforts), but also in 5000(about 6’) or longer…
  2. it is lactic as any other thing…the 90 degrees position held for long is also responsible for that Hyper hypertrophy of the thigh muscle…and small eccentric stress comapred to running.
  3. bounds , also resisted lateral bounds for long time, epresent the bulk of “dryland” training
    5)the importance of technique has a similarity in the swimmers’s traing, with even sprinters employing long and slow runs to build tech…
    6)not sure about weigths, used but not always, as we can also see from the relatively skinny upperbody of many.
    7)more than acc dev, max s. and SEs…I believe there is more lactic work, repetition like
    8)the small impacts makes feasible to compete in 5 differente specialties, like chad headrick is supposed to do in 10 days.(relay, 5000, 10000, 1500 and 1000 i believe.)
    9)dutch,(in holland speed skating is national sport, more than soccer-!!) spend considerable time for their aerobic training riding bikes.
    10)re-lactic acid:the highest concentration reached in 1000m competitions are still lower than those of a 400m race, but quite similar…(have to find the reference)
    I really like speed skating…WE WON SPRINT RELAY TODAY!!


I actually have trained specifically for speed skating over the past two years. It takes a bit longer to reach max velocity on the ice than on land. Are you referring to long track or short track. for the sake of my comment i’ll refer to long track.

From my experience Max V will be reached at approx 60-80 meters and can actually be maintained for some time. If you were to see the splits of the 500 they are pretty fast. Joey Cheek’s 100 split was 9.66 in his opening 500 race and his time was 34.82. I don’t have the split times but he covered 400m in 25.16 ( an average of 6.29 over each 100m) That is some pretty damn good maintenance of Max Velocity.

Have to jam for right now but will drop some more info later.