Speed Trap Saga

charlie we are on a winner here

heres the list of stars…

Young Charlie - gary sinese
old charlie - overweight vince vaughan

ben - wesley snipes
angela - halle berry (dont care of she dont look like her halle’s just number 1 so she gets a start.

pesky reporter - Dennis Franz.

just need to fill a few support roles

Carl Lewis
any others need a start???

itll only cost you 50 million in sign on fees…

Maybe Angela Basset for Angela Isajenko???

Carl - Rue Paul Or Carl Can play himself being he is a Thesbian.

Linford thats tough. He would need to be built like granite and be black with an english accent.

This is a funny one - just cam e across it looking for somethign else …

Carl Lewis to be played by Michael Jackson or Dieon Saunders (spelling? football guy)