Some of you may have noticed

a few problems with the site for a long while now.
I have been in the process since October 2010 renovating
I began with the store to finance this project
The process has bee slow but exciting.
Our members have not experienced positive changes as the the primary work is behind the scenes.
There have been some problems which I am fixing.
Historically, came about to adverstise Charlie’s work independant of political controversy.
Looking ahead I aim to preserve what Charlie created as an athlete and then later coach and mentor.
I appreciate the frustration some of you might share with me about the past several months.
My life is becoming more normal now. :cool:
My biggest challange has been migrating the forum.
Without giving details, moving this massive file of 10 years of Charlie’s work has been difficult, time consuming and expensive.
The new site will include pictures ( finally), restored function over time memories of Charlie. I will be adding a CharlieFrancis facebook page where his former athletes and friends as able to share stories and memories working with him.
I will also be around more and you will be able to contact me directly.
Thank you for your contribution and interest in what I have spent my entire life doing = Sport for fun, work and elite competition.
Warmest regards

Thanks for your efforts Ange.

There are a large number of us who feel indebted to Charlie and his works.

And this website.

We all have to do something for Charlie,for his relatives,friends and the sport’s world.I’m an “amateur” strength conditioner but I want to thanks all of you for the incredible job you do every day for make athletes more competitive.
Keep up with the good job!

I have just learned that we had 3.7 million posts since going online Feb 2001.
Impressive piece of work.

if and when the CFTS student courses commence this site will be busier than ever! aot of good things ahead ange and thanks for keeping the site alive! :cool:

All those truly devoted to the site have no issues. There are always growing pains when change is brought about. I applaud you efforts to keep things moving forward Ange.

well put. Keep up the good work Ange.