Some Jarmila Kratochvilova's training

JUNE 1981 last couple of days before World Cup in Rome where she ran 48.61 and was 0.01 behind WR.

1day) Competition 400m- 49.17, 200m-22.26

2day) 2x60m easy, 1x150m (16.6)

3day) rest

4day) 2x60m easy, 10x starts in the curve, 6x60m 3xeasy(7.1) 1xfast(6.72), 2xeasy(7.2)

5day) 1x60m easy, 3x(3x200m) 5min/10min (26.5, 25.9, 23.1, 26.2, 25.3, 25.1)

6day) weights (between 50kg-70kg), uphills-3x200m 3min (33.8, 33, 32.7) + 3x100m walk back (14.8, 14.5, 14.5)

7day) 2x60m easy (7.5), 6x150m 4min (19.1, 18.6, 18.2, 19, 18.2, 17.4)

8day) 8x100m tempo run, excercises for back and abs