Some Jarmila Kratochvilova's training

Its in hand, hopefully it will be on the site soon.

Sorry guys, I’ve had my hands full.

I have this stuff. Phil, should I put it into PDF?


Hi Rupert, whatever will fit on to a thread on the site. Just last week TC requested the files to put on the site in case you were too busy. :slight_smile:


A) 5x(500m, 300m, 300m) 3min/6min. (500m-1:32, 300m-52)

B) 4x(4x300m) 2min/6min. (300m-51)

C) 5x(500m, 300m, 200m) 3min/6min. (500m-1:29, 300m-50, 200m-28)

D) 4x(5x300m) 2min/6min. (300m-49)

APRIL 1983:

A) 4x(3x300m) 2min/6min.

B) 3x(500m, 200m, 200m) 2-6min/ 10min (500m-1:17, 200m-27)

C) 5x300m 12min. (37.9, 37.4, 37.1, 37.6, 37.2)

D) 9x(2x200m) 1min/5min (200m-27)

MAY 1983:

A)3x(200m, 200m, 200m) 5min/12min (24)

B) 3x150m 1:30min (18.9), 2x(3x200m) 1:30min, 2x500m 20min (1:11, 1:08), 2x150m 1:30min (18.8)

C) 3x(200m, 300m, 200m) 4min/10min (200m-25.8, 300m-39.5) + 300m 12min. (37.7)

D) 2x(3x300m) 3min/12min (43) + 300m 12min (35.7)

is each letter, one session?

cause if so then those are beyond amazing workouts

yes one session. There wasn’t any date when was it. only month.

Thanks Pavel very interesting! Keep us posted!

What were ALL her pr’s? Is there info about training pr’s?


Some workouts she did in high altitude

JULY 1983

A) 2 x (4x150m) in 18"4, rests 4’ & 12’
B) 3 x (150, 200, 100) in 17"0-22"8-11"2, rests 8’ & 15’
C) 4 x (300, 100m) in 39"-11"8, rests 1’ & 15’
D) 3 x (300, 200, 200) in 41"5-25"5, rests 5’ & 12’

She spent her time training that year as she only took part to 3 indoor and 5 outdoor competition prior to the World Champs.

What is the time for this one?

There is only (relaxed, fast, relaxed) She didn’t mention the times…

JUNE 1981 last couple of days before World Cup in Rome where she ran 48.61 and was 0.01 behind WR.

1day) Competition 400m- 49.17, 200m-22.26

2day) 2x60m easy, 1x150m (16.6)

3day) rest

4day) 2x60m easy, 10x starts in the curve, 6x60m 3xeasy(7.1) 1xfast(6.72), 2xeasy(7.2)

5day) 1x60m easy, 3x(3x200m) 5min/10min (26.5, 25.9, 23.1, 26.2, 25.3, 25.1)

6day) weights (between 50kg-70kg), uphills-3x200m 3min (33.8, 33, 32.7) + 3x100m walk back (14.8, 14.5, 14.5)

7day) 2x60m easy (7.5), 6x150m 4min (19.1, 18.6, 18.2, 19, 18.2, 17.4)

8day) 8x100m tempo run, excercises for back and abs

Is the 23.1 a typo? Thanks

3rd was in 23.1

Yes, hard preparation… :slight_smile: Nothing was for free…

I’m not trying to derail the thread but is that Angela Issajenko in the last photo…:o