As we have said before, before doing any speed work and in order to perform at an optimal level we should be awake 4-5 hours before performing (optimal level of activation). This is for training and meets am i correct?
Anyhow assuming it is. What if you got you slept during the night woke up in the morning and were up for 5 hours and then took a 2 hour nap woke up and 30 minutes later went to do a speed workout? Is the 5 hours you were awake earlier now negated?And you should be up for another 4-5 hours?
How does this work? I am confused. And also is there a limit for how long you can sleep before the hours you were previously awake form the nights sleep is negated?
I hope i am making sense here. Please ask me to clarify is this is unclear.
good question quik… i would think that after a few hours of napping, you would need to be up for a sufficient amount of time to reactivate the CNS. as far as how long the nap i would be curious to know also…
I used to train an hour after waking up every morning this summer and I was fine. I just had to move a little faster on the warm up, but I was fine and ready to fly. I am more of a morning person (physically…don’t tick me off in the morning ) so that may be a part of it. I love training in mornings though so I am a bit weird.