Sina Schielke Germany (60M/100M)

We should have a poll themed on “Hottest Babes in Track and Field”. I love those female hammer throwers damn I’m getting hot just thinking about them…LOL

My vote would go to: Jade Johnson (GB - TJ)

And don’t post some shots where she looks ugly again :wink:

CLJACKSON Yes she is,another similar picture just from the front
merlene ottey

Oh Yeah Jade Johnson is bangin’

Shouldn’t we be comparing apples to apples (if you know what I mean)?

no no charlie melons to melons

Mad rep point for TMSSF!

Jah know… :eek:

Pretty sure that’s Merlene’s pal, Juliette Cuthbert.

Ok than… What about German long jumper Susane Tiedke susane

There are hundreds of nude female athletes to view at:

Not only track, other sports, too.
But beware: There are nude pics of zhanna block. Watching them might lead to erectile dysfunction.

Track could do with a stunning female athlete who looks good as well as excels at her event. The world still likes to see good looking women doing well…

Better go back and have another look! Did you miss Susan Tiedke and Sina Shielke?

Nice!! Very nice!!! My chest is bigger than Block’s! :stuck_out_tongue:

is that really block???

if it is then i wouldn’t be suprised if i see a big lad hanging between her legs.

shes a man beater!

Marion Jones is still one my personal favorites.

And becoming a big fan of Me’lisa Barber

are we forgetting christine arron!!! very nice

Thank you very much!