Sina Schielke Germany (60M/100M)

I thought I should share the pic :wink:

Wowā€¦that really has made my Friday worth whileā€¦U canā€™t beat a fine tuned female sprinter. Iā€™m gonna run some comps in Germany this year for sure!!!

OH MY GODā€¦settle X settle! wow,pity bout the small ta-tas

I agreeā€¦but that would slow her down! Iā€™m a big fan of shapely calves and glutesā€¦I feel a screensaver/wallpaper coming upā€¦

Shes right up there with Ivet Lolova another hottie.
And look at this site I foundā€¦ good stuff.

I think Charlie needs to host a training camp for us and invite her to come as a demo model. I volunteer to sacrifice myself to provide the massage work. What can I say, Iā€™m a giver.

By the way, how fast is this girl?

You guys need to read CFTS again, gluteal folds are very very bad.

I thought it was only in the UK that we couldnā€™t get kit to fit our athletes. Glad to see we arnā€™t the only ones.

My girlfriend prefers this little ladyā€¦

I am suddenly hungry for some pancakes? Check these outā€¦

You ainā€™t kiddingā€¦ :frowning:

Poor glute development on this subject too, as can be seen by the zero lumbar curve :slight_smile: ā€¦nice try though

Now THATā€™s glute development :eek:

Youā€™ve got a hell of a nerve asking for more after where we took you the last time you were in town!! How soon we forget!!

Hey, I wasnā€™t the one hanging out in the VIP section up front with Ben and Lyn Kush. We got squeezed out. It took us an hour to get back in. :wink:

All I want is to rub down a cute female German sprinter. Is that a crime? No good deed goes unpunished.

And I donā€™t care what anyone says. I think her glute development is excellent. I hate to break it to everyone, but there is life beyond sprinting.

Hey! couldnā€™t find you!
As for the second point. No kidding! What are these guys complaining about?

If the girls wh look like that would dress like that, theyā€™d have the crowds back at the meets!

In the interest of investigative journalism, I looked her up on the web and this is one of a number of shots. She can run too! 11.16 100m

Yes I think itā€™s 7.19 and 11.16. She was ā€œGermanys Hope in Female Sprintsā€ (according to German Media), but missed 2005 due to injuries - torn muscle etc.

Kellie is nice, but a little ā€œextremeā€ what about this one (no idea who it isā€¦):