I am doing a presentation for a communication class I have, could anyone give me information or point me where to find it regarding - typical salary from meets and endorsements of sprinters, preferrably broken up between elite and lower level atheltes, as well as cut taken by coaches, agents, and trainers?
The latter can be answered in rough percentages as to not get to indepth about any certain situation.
Generally the highest pay has been around 100,000 per race, but only for a very few! Most get FAR less and often little or nothing. Shoe contracts can range from over 1,000,000 per year down to equipment only- or, of course, nothing. Some have watch deas or appear in other types of ads, mostly in Europe or Japan.
Thanx a lot Charlie, could you tell me roughly how much of this an athlete keeps and how much is taken by endorsers, coaches, lawyers, etc. Once again I dont need anything personal, just roughly would it be around 80% they keep at the highest levels, or am i way off? not including taxation that is.