Shawn Crawford

What has happened to this guy?

Back in 04 he was running incredible and now he just can’t get it done. I figured it’s worth wondering why this happened.

First and foremost thing I notice is during the frontal video of Gay’s 9.76 his start is awful, he goes so far sideways he’s almost running into Gay’s lane and the rest of the race he’s got so much latteral movement going on that you can only wonder how this guy can be one of the fastest men in the world. I know this wasn’t always the case because watching his man vs beast video his technique looked much more fluent and much less latteral movement.

I know Crawford lost his coach and training partner which has maybe caused him to lose the passion and drive for the sport as well as a lack of emphasis on technique.

I’m just wondering what happened to this former one of the fastest men in the world. Failing to qualify for the US 100 finals is an embarassment, especially when you have Olympic champion tagged to your name. He shot up pretty quickly to the top rung of sprinters in the world and now he seems to be dropping just as fast.

Maybe it could be the fact that he just moved to califorina with a new coach about a month and half ago.

I thought he was doing workouts that his dad made up. Thats what he said in interviews during indoors.

He’s had long term foot problems

Is it fair to say that top speed is the last thing to go?

After my bout with injuiries including heel spurs in my foot, sprained ankles, the wholes works; my start was also not very brilliant. Instead of coming out way ahead I was coming out 2nd or 3rd, from the blocks.

I would figure this would be the last thing to go as it was always the strongest portion of my race.

My top speed on the other hand, is still in place. I have actually passed sprinters around 40-70m. This is something I have was never able to do in the past. Why do I still have my top speed?

Have you noticed this with other athletes that have taken time off, specifically about ability to maintain top speed but lack of starting ability? I’m just curious why this would happen. I recognize that in a 100m sprint there is only enough energy you can expand. Maybe you could elaborate for athletes who have taken a long layoff off for sprinting.

check out his start at the 2004 olympics 4x100m relay.He was the first runner.his block settings seems quite far back.I wonder where his first step will be

if u cant view the pics…go here

His first step is usually just over the line.

Hey, my personal experience is that speed (surprisingly) doesn’t leave as quickly as I thought it would. Endurance went out the window straight away, though.

Example: I had a groin injury in December and didn’t sprint AT ALL until March. So in march, I went and tried to do as many hundreds as I could flat out. I could only manage 4, before damn near collapsing. Before the injury, in September, I was doing 10x100m at 12 seconds flat on the last rep. So, endurance left REAL quick, but I still felt I had as fast a top speed in march as before december.

Why is that?? Charlie? Why did my top speed remain after 3 months off sprinting??

bumping this post to more than 10 characters.

So who is Crawford’s new coach?

john smith? just taking a shot in the dark

Your co-ordination has gone so you are less efficient but I doubt your top speed stayed there. I find acceleration is the hardest element to maintain and must be done all ear in order to get it to stay.

Maybe. That would be awesome if he was. That would probably tighten up his start.

Looks like Shawn’s strength coach from 2004 is coaching him now. In Raleigh. At least he’s quoted saying that at his 6.55 60m meet.

Stephen Hayes

10x100 at 12sec? Impressive…how much rest time between each?