Sex and testosterone

How does sex affect your testosterone levels? Is it…the more you have sex, the more testosterone your body will produce? Or, the opposite?

I have searched SEX-tensively to find an answer…but havent found anything yet…

Sex is good, most things (with exceptions…) that feel good release endorphins and testosterone. Of course alcohol can release testosterone but we all know that its no good in long run (I MEAN THE DRINK NOT THE SEX ). Winning races also releases testosterone. Lifting near max weights releases testosterone. The magnitude depends on the individual I think and also whether its biologically active, because if its bound to proteins in the blood stream then its not going to be useful.

A worthy research project. It must be one or the other and requires as much research as you can get away with. Especially if you can get a government grant to cover your research expenses (cover charges and bar tab).

Eye test…

My eye site is getting worse… got to get more of that…

Too much of ‘you know what’ makes you go blind Martin …

Nah I do very little five knuckle shuffling so it can’t be that…