Senior Member Nominations


Please list those members you’d like nominated (and why) for senior member here.

Thank you,


I’ll start by nominating David W. He has provided significant in-depth articles and thoughts on strength training and the use of olympic lifts as applied towards sprinting.

While I don’t necessarily always agree with everything he writes, it is obviously well thought out and provides new ideas for training. Also, he keeps the off-topic noise to a minimum.

IMHO this is the kind of discussion and posts that we want to encourage and reward.

I got him already. We spoke last week. He’ll be joining us shortly. Good pick!


THanks for the vote of confidence xlr8

I would definately recommend Pioneer. Joel has been a solid member of the site from the beginning and is very serious about providing material to the site. He was a Senior Member on the previous sites as well.

Timothy Lane. For sure Timothy Lane.!!! :smiley:

Joel is already a senior member, I’m going to update the stats this week and you’ll see status change.


I’ve never seen anyone banned on here. What did Tim do?

I remembered Pioneer being a Senior Member on the previous site, so that is cool. Thanks!

PS: Speaking of the banned, anyone heard from Kyle? Despite his craziness, the kid was smart.

Hi Dlive, Moderators

Pioneer and a number of year one guys (we had no women at the site in the real early days, we did, but none ever posted, now we have female members posting…this is GOOD!).

Alot of the year one members still need to be upgraded on the forum. Speaking of which, we have a female moderator (where she is I have no idea), her name is 400mgurl. More to follow on the moderator role in the immediate future.

As for Kyle, smart and VERY insane. The guy wasn’t a kid but was a 30 something weirdo from parts unknown. I know this for a fact.

More to follow, as for products, I’m meeting Charlie on friday, so any and all ideas would be great!

Hope you are all doing well…


I had no idea that Kyle was pulling some stunts like that. Probably wearing some lipstick while typing.
I agree about getting the “Senior Member” back under the names of the early members of the site, like Flash, Pioneer, DCW,etc.

As for items to offer on the site, I still think that downloadable ebooks or mp3 files of Charlie speaking on one certian topic would be great. For instance, he could have one ebook that just goes over tempo for the short sprinter, or another on taking an athlete through a multi-year progression. Just random examples.

Hi Moderators,

With special thanks to Charlie, I have some interesting collectables in my possession from Ben Johnson that will be listed shortly on the site via auction link. Prepare for some excitement!


I nominate no23.

Hi David,

I’ve noted your nomination. Anybody got any others? This is for senior member here guys/girl.

We need a list, perhaps a few links to the nominees post(s).



pierrejean has impressed me. Lots of quality data to help analyze specific sprinters and technique.

Got him already…thanks for the vote xlr8.
