SAQ Rules!

The last two days there was an SAQ course here from some South African guys -the collaboration seems to be going well!

As I wasn’t there, I was told it was well worth the time, indeed! From all the attendees only two twisted their ankles over hurdles! It must be a record of some sort…

What did they do on the course?

You made me quote myself! :eek:

Funny thing is that as I learned this evening, one of those injured was a girl, who couldn’t bother to go there, but her coach insisted, so she can learn a thing or two…

How to come back from a twisted ankle, I guess!

Sounds great!

The “physio course”? Yeah, sure!

I’ll suggest to ask her coach to pay for the treatments -or maybe not… :o That would be fun though!

Do you think they get a referral fee???

I know you weren’t there but from the bits you have about outcomes thought you may have known course content details.

OK, sorry! Apart from the usual equipment the only thing I saw in action was running with elastic cords. A friend of mine was there; if discussion comes to that, I’ll ask him for details and come back -don’t hold your breath though…