Sacroiliac Joint Pain

Hey, I found out that the lower-back pain I’ve been having is in the sacroilliac joint. So far I’ve been told to get ART in the region. Are there any other treatments that you guys would recommend? Is this something that I will have to live with my whole life, or can it be “cured”? I’m only 14 and don’t want be screwed when I’ve barely started.


I too have a problem here; for me the pain radiates to the hamstrings.
My advice is to see a competent chiropractor - find one who specifically works with, or was a competitive athlete. At your age, several different opinions from both chiropractors and M.D.'s might be appropriate.
You stated you’re 14, I suppose there could be growth issues to deal with as well…

Good luck!

I have similar pain on the left side. I saw a chiropractor who was ART certified and she worked on the site of pain and around the site for some time. Felt pretty good initially but only one treatment under my belt; still feel some slight pain. I suggest seeing one regularly in your area.

I need to keep going on a regular basis myself.

SI Joint pain sucks. Stop doing anything that causes it for a while. No squats, deadlifts, RDL’s, etc. There are some self-help drills, but it’s best to go see a PT or Chiro if you can.

do a search on the forum…there is an interesting thread on this issue.

SI Joint pain sucks. Stop doing anything that causes it for a while. No squats, deadlifts, RDL’s, etc. There are some self-help drills, but it’s best to go see a PT or Chiro if you can.

I have done heavy Deadlifting while having SI pain, it didn’t aggravate it.

Squat were a no-no for me, though.

You wont be screwed, dont worry! I had a very bad SIJ injury when I was 14, and I came back from it fine. You just have to appreciate that you will always have to be careful with your back, do plenty on core exercises, etc. in future.

In terms of immediate relief, Chiros are great. I imagine you are probably getting alot of nerve pain too, so nerve stretches would be good. Alot of SI injuries are due to ligament damage around the joint - this responds well to exercise, so you may actually feel better after exercises. From my experience, squats and cleans were very painful. Start at a lower weight, and build up slow!

I injured my SI before almost two months doing jump squats w/50kg and deadlift, which I planned do do 3 reps w/190kg and I did 5 reps. This may cause SI ligament strain or it clicked sothenig that was culminating, I don’t know.
I was in pain for about 1 month and little longer. Went to chiro one time and I didn’t wanted to go anymore cause the guy wasn’t an athlete and recomends isolation exercise… He wouldn’t understand my need to squat.
I stretched although I avoided twisting, I did knee to chest and posterior pelvic tilts and rest and put ICE on my SI (3x20min w/20m rest). One day I woke up and it was nearly gone, yet I lost my hams and flexion ROM (sit n’ reach is still paintfull but the ROM is returning).

I started doing squats from the day the pain slighty gone away and it seems it helped. I did box squats to parallel using the bar only for 3x20reps, every day. RDL and GM were painful back then with BW. I progressed over time and just today I did 3x10reps w/90kg ATG squat and 40kg 3x10 Good Morning. I keep lifting the weights over time and I am at about 80-90% normal pain free movement. I understand this is pain in the arse and it will take about 3 months to fully heal I guess. Also, one thing that helped were muscle relaxant (to deal with protective spasm that actually caused pain) and anti-inflamatory drugs for 5 days, to break the inflamation-spasm cycle.

when I started running, I felt my left side to be more stiff and without dumping, but now is nearly normal.

Try avoiding siting for prolonged period of time, and start exercising slowly. Good luck

Keep us updated on how you are doing, Im quite interested!