Rupert: The acces to non-members?

Rupert, we don’t mean to complain. If it comes across as that then I don’t think any one has done it intentionally. Personally I don’t think that you should make the forum “open” or allow guests. It cheapens the process. Forcing people to sign-up produces quality posts because those who bother to sign up are likely to contribute rather than just browse. Also you would have alot of jokers and those wanting to do damage browsing through and misquoting and so on… For example, it would make it too easy for jokers to post BS about d***s and make provocative remarks that would probably lead to reactionary responses from those who feel a sense of loyalty to the site. No, guests should not be allowed

My only suggestion is that a link on the temporary front page to the forum and shop is established with instructions on how to join made clear.

When is the launch date for the revamped site? (no pressure intended)

The site “launch” has happened. Links are intact and I’ll be cleaning things up this weekend.

On the note of a closed, open forum…I totally agree. I also don’t want trolls. We watch everything here closely.

Hope that helps
