Runners Trots

Not a pleasant subject I know, but none the less very important if affected.Let me explain,we have a young female athlete in the group,she is 16 yrs old and very talented.Unfortunatley she is being held back at the moment by what is commonly referred to as “runners trots”.She is absolutley fine before and after,it is only during training or competition that the symptoms arise.
We are aware of all the possible causes;raising of core temp.nerves.running action accelarating bowel movement etc;she has been checked out medically and is fine.
What we would like to hear is a possible remedy from anyone who has had experience of this problem.

How is her pelvic position, anterior/posterior tilt? You’d be amazed how pelvic position affects your internal organ function.

You could have a good point there Jumpman.She does not have the best running action in the world,in that she tends to rotate her arms around her body.This could very well be twisting her organs and causing the problem.We are slowly working on her arm action,this may give her a little more incentive to concentrate on correcting her action.THANKS.