Run Fast Are Die Trying

Havent ran yet. Calm down fool it was just a question.

You calm down fool and come race…

in due time in due time.


  1. Short Warmup A
  2. Dynamic Flex.: Merrill (10x)
  3. Sprint Dev: Bride (2 x 30m) + 10m sprint
  4. SSE: 150m, 2 x 125m w/ 5m run in w/ 6-7’ rest
  5. General Strength: Pillar (12x)
  6. 400m (alt. 50m skip, 50m walk)
  7. Static Flex: B

Am I to understand that “Chris6878” and “RB34” are going to have a match race showdown? Now we’re talking!

Completed 60mins of therapy!!!

He wants no parts of this!

So… what you’re saying is it would be a good ol’ fashioned ass-whuppin’?

footballer verses school teacher, where is hayden knowles. Gotta be on u tube and good far a laugh.:wink:

A1. Vertical jumps 10 repsxbw
A2. Depth jumps 5 repsxbw
A3. Jump squat 5 repsx185
A4. Power clean 3 repsx200
A5. Back squat 3 repsx315
Hypers w/bar on back 3x8

4 Rounds

Do you think you’ll be fine without any running?

Yes, why wouldn’t I?

A1. Depth pushups x5
A2. Mb chest pass x5
A3. Push press x3
A4. Bench press x3

W. Pullups 3x6
Bar rows 2x8

4 Rounds

Great program for speed/power sports.

Chris6878 gonna crush ya with that no sprint, sprint training.

Why you say?


Chris6878 gonna crush ya with that no sprint, sprint training.

He is like a boxer who only plays tennis

206-209 this week.

Clear your box dude