Run Fast Are Die Trying

Just a old average athlete training for fun. I was working with a highly qualified coach who designed those workouts.

Cool. Sounds like you enjoy it. All the best.

Lat pd 3x10
Bench 3x6
Pushdown 2x10
Rear delts 2x10
Curls 2x8
Tempo 2x5x100

Workout partner did 2x5x100+3x600.

The plan was to start Fall GPP mid August - somethings came up so I’m looking at early Sept instead. Today is another rest day - the month of August I’m planning active, passive, and very easy strength training sessions. The early part of the month will be easy workouts then more active and passive rest towards mid-late month.

Squat 3x6x65% 90% of 1rm
Bench 3x6x65% 95% 1rm
Rdl 3x8
Hammer row 3x8
Abs 100x
Mb tempo: 3x4x100
BW: 202-203

Tempo kicked my ass today - I’m use to performing tempo on UB days.

deadlift 3x6x65% 90% of 1rm
pullups 3x10
rev leg press 3x15
Abs 100x
Tempo: 3x4x100

Laying off the presses over the next several weeks. The week’s tempo has kicked my ass - hate doing tempo after lower body wts.

squats 3x5x70%
bench 2x5x70%
rows 3x8
rdl 3x8
abs x100

MB: 2x4x100

Can’t wait to start training because I need to get in shape and drop 5-8lbs. The weight loss should happen pretty quickly once I clean up the diet and drop (soda, ice cream, chips, honey buns) etc.

You getting fat

Little bit - heavy for my frame.

8lb isn’t much you will have it gone in no time. Now if I can give up the amber ale.

Looking at pics of my body back in Dec vs now - I am fat!!! lol

deadlift 3x5x355
pull thrus 3x10

tempo 2x4x100

Sat-Sun: REST

Mon: Business trip in Texas - too busy to train

squats 3x7x60%
bench 3 easy sets
rows 3x8
hypers 3x8


Training mate: 2x4x100+cooper test

deadlift 3x7x305
pullups 2x8
pull thrus 2x10
bench couple easy sets


Normal workouts Mon-Thur - time to chill and get fatter over the next 9-10days. I had to make minor changes to my plan since I’m starting a couple weeks later then I expected. Currently I’m tweaking the first 4wk block:

Mon: Hills/Jumps/LB/abs+glute act
Tue: Throws/Tempo/UB+static abs
Wed: Gs circuits
Thur: Hills/Jumps/LB/abs+glute act
Fri: Throws/Tempo/UB/static abs

Speed volume will range from 200-360, tempo 600-1000.

Week 1:
Monday: 240
Warmup W
Hills: 3x4x20 wb/3:30
W. seated box jump 2x4
Midthigh box jump 2x8
Clean pull 3x8x205
Squats 3x10x265
Db bul squat 3x10
Hypers 3x10
Glut Act 2x10
Abs x100

Warmup Z
Ohb+Blf+Height 2x3
2x3x100 60/3mins
Abs Extended 20/20
Bench 3x10x170
Horz pull 3x10
Vert pull 3x10
Db jm press 3x10