Rose Bowl

Wow, what a game.

Vince Young is just a beast, I don’t care what everyone says he’s gona be a star in the NFL and he sure showed everyone who didn’t vote for him as Heisman.

What a game is right. One of the most action packed college games I have ever seen.
You guys know Reggie Bush ran 10.42 in high school?

Yeah Bush was a freakin stud in HS, both football AND track. He was having a breakout senior year until a hamstring injury slowed him down a bit mid-way through the season, but he still made the state finals I believe for the 200m. State qualifier 10th and 11th grade too if I’m not mistaken. I was going for SC, even though I’m not much of a fan of either. CAL fan at heart. It’s too bad SC couldn’t contain Young who ran for 200 yards and 3 TD’s- that man is something special. Whoever gets Young in the NFL is going to be very happy. Same with Bush, Leinart, White, and the rest of the NFL caliber players from both teams.

Amazing game, i think young will put vick to shame, cause he can throw too haha

Yes Vince Young is the complete package. Can run as good as a running back, has an amazing arm, and he is smart. Bright future for this man in the NFL.

Amazing game! Both teams showed alot of class, which seemed to be lacking in several bowl games. I can only recall one major penalty, a roughing call on UT and a couple incidental facemasks. Much better championship game this year than last when USC blew the other team out.

You guys know how Texas gets down!! Outstanding game. I think some of leinart’s mental mistakes had a lot to do with this loss as well. And Vince’s huge cojones!!

Bush is a great athlete, a classy guy, and for the most part, seems pretty intelligent. However, I had a “what the hell are you thinking?!?!” moment when he lateraled the ball (badly) and ended up costing USC a touchdown/field goal. If he wouldn’t have done that, the whole complexion of the game would have been changed.


I don’t blame Leinart as much as I blame Carroll for going for it on that 4th down early in the game. I think SC had it on the 11 yard line going in. He should have noticed when Charile Weis got burned in the same situation in the Fiesta Bowl. These genius coaches need can’t let their pride make those calls. Just take the 3 pts…

Not that I’m complaining. I hate SC and ND with equal passion.

I’ve always been impressed with Young but yesterday was something else. Would anyone else here draft him ahead of Leinart? Right now, I might…

10.42? I didn’t know Reggie Bush had that kind of raw speed. I always thought it was more of a Barry Sanders-type speed. I’m impressed…

You cant say that was a game breaker…Young did the same thing and it connected…if the ref’s made the correct call, that wouldnt have counted either. You cant blame a win or a loss on one play that an athlete makes…if, if, if…

remember, IF a bullfrog had side pockets, he would carry a pistol.

That lateral was a And1 football move. If the guy Bush threw it to was on the same level it would have easily been six. The guy he threw it to was probably thinking “how do I keep up?”
If it was White to Bush…well…you know.

Sure he’s athletic… but he ain’t no Michael Vick.

The throwing game is pretty much a joke in college football anyways. How many times did he just loft a few flutter balls into the air to wide open receivers? The coverage is a joke… not to take anything away from the guy. :slight_smile:

What was that guy thinking with the lateral? Did he think it was rugby out there? I know he was running the option but it isn’t an option the whole way down the field!

After seeing Young yesterday I think he’ll be better than Vick. Yung looked like a man amoung boys.great ability to make people miss, and run over people if need be.

Vick is a lot smaller and takes a beating thoughout the season.

Young size will be a huge assest. Get him on a team with a strong defence, and good running game, where he wont have to make big throws early in his career and he’ll blossom!

Mel Kiper seems to think he’ll be better than Vick too…
Honestly, was that the greatest game you’ve ever seen?
Another Mel Kiper qoute:
“At any given time last night, there were 22 NFL Caliber players on the field”

Not to jack the thread, but speaking on ‘man among boys’, did you guys see the clips on ESPN of Allen Iverson playing H.S. football? He looked like, well, Allen Iverson playing H.S. kids.

I have seen that… He was a pretty decent lookin QB… Have you also seen the footage of Reggie Bush in High School? It’s like now, but multiply it by about 10… Haha. What about the running back from UTEP, Tyler Ebell? That man is a freakin stud, he was a UCLA transfer after Maurice Drew got the start at RB; but I saw his highlight tape of his senior year at a football camp I went to in Thousand Oaks a few years ago; that guy had 4,000+ rushing yards, and 50 TD’s his SENIOR YEAR of High School! Wow!

4,000 in one season! That’s insane. If you guys ever get a chance, look for video of a guy named Toby Gerhart from Norco high school. He’s a senior RB this year and had over 3,000 yards rushing. I think he won some award for player of the year for California or RB of the year or something. Phyically, he is the scariest high school football player I’ve ever seen and I’m just glad we never had to play him and I never had to try and tackle that guy!

Yeah I think Ebell went to either Diamond Bar or Diamond Ranch or something like that… Somewhere in SoCal… I would say a 1,000 yard season is respectable, but damn 2,000, even 3,000 is insane. Yes 4,000… UNHEARD of…

What about that Noel Devine guy? I’m sure you guys have seen clips but just in case here’s some from his season. You won’t believe this guy’s balance, he can break like 10 tackles a play and then bust it up for a touchdown. He’s roomin with Deion too.