rogue leader...

it happens :frowning:

warm up jog
curls - 10kg, 3:6. 15kg, 3:3
chin up’s - 3:10

not much today. tired and cold.

I noticed today that the world masters games are on 2 months earlier than I thought they were! (oops. :stuck_out_tongue: ) I’ve worked backwards from the date and now I have a semi-detailed plan for what I need to do to get in pb shape before then (dream on!). trouble is, I’ve always been great at making plans and rubbish at sticking to them!!

-30kg, 1:10
-50kg, 3:6
-70kg, 1:3
-80kg, 1:3
-90kg, 1:3

unfortunately, I don’t have any more than 90kg to put on my shoulders at the moment, but over the next couple of weeks I’ll be looking to do 90kg for more reps. won’t be too long before I hit the track and start running again…

trampoline, from ground
-pin jumps 1:15
-tuck jumps 1:20
-tuck jumps, 1 leg landing 1:20
-tuck jumps + 10kg 1:20
weights circuit
-arm swings, 2kg, 2:50
-curls, 2kg, 2:10
-oh press, 2kg, 2:10
-chin up’s, 2:10
-hanging knee raise, 2:10
30kg, 2:30

had a bit of a crick in my back for most of yesterday. popped a couple of nurofen and by the evening I was fine to train. felt a slight twinge early in my squats and a little bit again this afternoon, but other than that all is well. no need to nip off to the chiro just yet…

There is a 200m on July 15 Greg

trampoline, from ground
-pin jumps 1:50
-pin jumps + 2.5kg 1:20
-pin jumps + 10kg 1:20
-tuck jumps 1:20
-tuck jumps + 2.5kg 1:20
-tuck jumps + 10kg 1:20
weights circuit
-arm swings, 2kg, 2:50
-oh press, 2kg, 2:10
-curls, 2kg, 2:10
-chin up’s, 2:10
-hanging knee raise, 2:10
30kg, 1:30

unfortunately I can’t make it down at that date, after all. had to change my plans… :frowning:

warm up jog
-30kg 1:10
-50kg 2:6
-70kg 1:6
-80kg 1:3
-90kg 1:3

I’ve been eating quite a lot lately. big, carb-based dinners, heaps of chocolate and assorted junk nibblies. I decided to weigh myself this afternoon to get an idea of how much weight I had put on since stawell. turns out I’ve lost a couple of kg’s! :eek:

getting lighter whilst getting stronger? I can get used to that. now, pass me another doughnut… :stuck_out_tongue:

trampoline jumps from ground
-pin jumps x50
-pin jumps +5kg x20
-pin jumps +10kg x20
upper body circuit (fast reps, no rest)
-arm swings 2kg 3:50
-OH press 2kg 3:10
-curls 2kg 3:10
-chin up’s 3:10
-hanging knee raise 3:10
tramps jumps
-tuck jumps x20
-tuck jumps +5kg x20
tuck jumps +10kg x20

lower back has been a bit tight so I did an extra upper body set, split the trampoline jumps and cut out the squats…

warm up
-4x180m, 50%
top speed
-3xflying 20, 85%

had a bit of a test speed session today. I felt great in my warm up runs and the first two flying 30’s felt great. unfortunately the third one was rubbish. I’ve got a fair bit of work to do to get into condition for the masters games…

trampoline jumps
-pin jumps 1x50
-pin jumps + 5kg 1x20
-50kg, 3:6
-70kg, 5:5

still a little tight from thursday so I kept the weight lighter but with more sets/reps…

tramp jumps
-pin jumps x50
-pin jumps +5kg x20
-pin jumps +10kg x20
weights circuit
-arm swings 2kg 1:50, 10kg 1:30
-curls 2kg 1:10, 10kg 1:5
-oh press 2kg 1:10, 10kg 1:5

tramp jumps
-pin jumps x50
-pin jumps +5kg x20
-pin jumps +10kg x20
-50kg 2:6
-70kg 1:3
-80kg 1:3
-90kg 2:3

woke up on monday morning with a monster cramp in my left calf, similar to what happened to me a few times when I first started training a couple of years ago. the muscle was quite sore for several days after, so I ended up missing my tuesday session just to be safe. it’s too early on to be risking an injury.

I was recently surprised to find out that my next major race would be in late july, rather than october like I originally thought. I went into a bit of a panic and revised my preparation schedule to get me ready for it. turns out that instead of the world masters games in sydney, I was looking at the dates for the world masters athletics in finland!! :o

so the panic was unfounded?
What are pin jumps? :confused:

just a little 2 footed hop. the body stays pretty straight, hence ‘pin’. it’s a term that is usually found around swimming pools. I use it as a gentle warm up before the more vigorous ‘tuck jumps’, where my feet come up to my bum. they’re also good for strength around the ankle…

4x200m, 75%
3x20m accel, 3pt start, 85%

starting to feel pretty good physically. a few comfortable 200’s and some accelerations to start working on my technique. concentrating on quick feet and light steps. it has occurred to me that perhaps I don’t need to worry so much about not living near a proper athletics track. the cricket pitch centre is a brilliant substitute… :cool:

-pogo* jumps x50
-tuck jumps x20
-1 leg jump/land, alternating x20
upper body circuit
-arm swings 2kg 1:20, 10kg 2:20
-OH press 2kg 1:10, 10kg 2:6
-curls 2kg 1:6, 10kg 2:6
-30kg 4:20

oh, happy day! I have found a track and a club to run with! it’s a fair way away, so it probably won’t be viable for training, but they have a synthetic surface and electronic timing. they also have a winter track program that starts next week at 10 in the morning. during the summer, comps are run on friday evenings…

(*after john’s question I looked them up in my plyometrics book and it called them “pogo” jumps)

Wow! Sounds great! How did you find that one?? :wink:

BTW: Where in Sydney are you staying? There are at least 7 synthetic tracks in the Sydney area, plus a few grass tracks, so wherever you are, there should be a suitable training track relatively close by.

I’m about 45mins west of the ridge track. I’ve looked around for tracks but haven’t had much luck. found a few grass ones but they’re not much chop. I’m grateful for any further information…

What’s the suburb? The Campbelltown track would probably be the closest to “45mins west” of Illawong. Sutherland and Bankstown also have synthetic tracks.

west hoxton.

I’ll have a look for those tracks you mentioned and see what I prefer. I’ll also be looking for the sort of club set up that suits me best.

tramp jumps
-pogo jumps x50
-tuck jumps x20
-50kg 3:5
-70kg 3:5

energy levels were pretty low, so I went pretty easy tonight… (little miss has decided that the day now begins before sunrise)

Campbelltown is the closest synthetic track for you, followed by Bankstown. Bankstown has a very strong sprints squad, including some international level athletes. The Campbelltown track is quite fast. I set my 100m PB there, and Patrick Johnson ran the 200m in 20.25s (+2.6) on this track.