rogue leader...

"Extra-articular snapping hip syndrome
Extra-articular snapping hip syndrome is commonly associated with leg length difference (usually the long side is symptomatic), tightness in the iliotibial band (ITB) on the involved side, weakness in hip abductors and external rotators, poor lumbopelvic stability and abnormal foot mechanics (Overpronation). Popping occurs when the thickened posterior aspect of the ITB or the anterior gluteus maximus rubs over the greater trochanter as the hip is extended.

Athletes are at special risk for snapping hip syndrome due to repetitive and physically demanding movements. In athletes such as ballet dancers, gymnasts, horse riders, track and field athletes and soccer players, military training, or any vigorous exerciser, repeated hip flexion leads to injury. In excessive weightlifting or running, the cause is usually attributed to extreme thickening of the tendons in the hip region. Snapping hip syndrome most often occurs in persons who are 15 to 40 years old."


This is the injury that has plagued Joan Benoit Samuelson, the famous track star. Snapping Hip Syndrome is a clinical entity that causes pain and snapping in the hip joint. There are several known causes, the most common being the iliotibial band snapping over the greater trochanter (at the top of your thigh bone). It can also be caused by snapping of the iliopsoas tendon over the iliopectineal line (in general the pubic area of the hip bone), the iliofemoral ligaments over the femoral head (where the thigh bone connects to the hip bone), as well as other places on the hip bone."

verrrry interesting…

various hip and glute exercises
jump squats, 15kg, 2:30
reverse htper, 15kg, 1:20

uppr body db exercises

slow running
low impact plyometrics (just testing the water)

db squats, 15kg, various sets and types

had a bit of a set back with hip soreness during the week. this was followed by consecutive sleepless nights thanks to number 2 (that is, my second born child, not the forum mod :P). been feeling pretty flat for a few days and now I have some cold symptoms starting up. not great timing with work kicking off tomorrow…

Actually - I find it interesting you develop issues after the Pilates! Normally I would expect it after Yoga…

Have you thought about Strengthening the Weaker side ONLY instead of both at the same time? This wouldn’t be just One Side only, eg, Left Leg only, As an eg, If your Left Hip Flexor is weak on one side, perhaps the Right Hammie is weaker. So, it would be about getting the same muscle from Left to Right on equal strength, not just the same Limb. Thoughts?

Yeah, I know what you are talking about. pretty much everything is weaker on the left. it’s always been that way, although I think the number of injuries I’ve had on that side have caused me to possibly favour the right side more in compound movements, adding to the overall imbalance.

pretty sure the pilates didn’t cause this. I just stepped up my intensity and it flared up again. one thing I have picked up from P’s is that the left lower back, oblique abs and gluteus medius are weaker than on the right. also, the right adductor. as far as I can tell, these areas are responsible for keeping the hip raised, so my left side has been essentially dragging. you can see that a bit in this old video ==>

when I think back about some of the strategies I have employed to avoid aggravating this problem, one of them is to only carry heavy things in my left hand. the effects of this are obvious, so lately I have started carrying my kids with my right arm, as well as occasionally just holding a dumbell in my right hand and standing. I can really feel a whole line of activation running through my right shoulder area, down my lats and pulling up on the top of my left hip. afterwards I can really feel that my left lower spinal erectors have been activated. I also just stumbled upon this web page that seems to illustrate what I am talking about. ==>

I have also been lying on my right side and elevating both legs. this one hits me in the right adductor as well as the left hip area. I change the angle a few times so that I am working the side, back and front of the hip.

also, I bought myself a new chair for the study!

bicep curls
ham/glute curls

so after a week or so of core exercises and a varied assortment of other things (including a cold), I decided to hit the track again today. so far so good in terms of recovery. so far so bad in terms of my speed and form. I have a long way to go there…

What I would be considering to do,
For now, stop all running power movements. keep tempo, in joggers.

Weighs, do both sides, but focusing big time on left side, with maintenance on right side.
Weights to be as much as possible, single sided exercises. eg, split squats, single leg hip thrusts, hammy work, hip flexor work all single sided.

I would also be looking at upperbody single sided as there might be issues there?

I would work first at cross section, then strength.

Once that is even, then resume slowly your power movements outdoors, and also relearn the double sided indoor movements such as squats etc, ensuring both sides are equal. Make good use of a mirror, camera or a good P.T.

Take things hard, but don’t skip past vital sections that could ruin progress. ie, don’t move on till you have mastered the basics.

general upper body/core exercises

4x100m (15-17s)

I have been thinking a lot about your post, BW. as such, I have been doing a lot of upper body weights this week (single sided), although I gave the lower limbs a bit of a break. I have put together some sort of weeksly plan that fits my work/family schedule so hopefully that will start to come together a bit better.

I’m not completely certain what you mean about “cross section, then strength”. any chance of an elaboration??

Would measure your left side, and right side - look for differences in Size. Then, if there are, look at fixing the size issue (cross - section)
Eg, if your left arm mearsures 40cm, and your right side measures 42cm, then work the Left arm up till it’s the same as the right side.

Different muscles will respond at different rates of improvement. Some will fix up quicker in size.
The ones that do respond quicker, well, those muscles can begin Strength work to fix any left over strength difference between left n right.

Once, let’s say, “Bicep curls” are sized right, then strength right - then you can start doing Barbell work on them.

80m - 40m fast accel, 40m cruise
80m - 40m gradual build up, 40m top speed

work has been hammering me over the last few weeks, and reports are due in about 10 days, so my overall work rate has dropped in terms of training. I do the occasional moderate upper body session and have been chipping away at my imbalance issues around the hip.

had a bit of a test sprint today and all felt pretty good…

upper body routine

jump squats
hip thrusts

tuck jumps x20
trampoline sprints 3x20stp
hip thrusts 3:20 12.5kg
jump squats 3:20 12.5kg
single leg jump 2:10 each leg 12.5kg
reverse hyper 2:20 12.5kg

the good news is that the missus has given the ok to me moving my squat rack and other associated gear into the bedroom once the cot is gone. this will improve my access no end and I expect I will start to make a lot more progress once this has been done.

also, partially inspired my rich hand, I have been coaching my dauhter a bit in the last couple of weeks. nothing too special, just giving her a few pointers on technique and getting her to run from this tree to that tree, jump up and touch these leaves, touch the ground and jump, giant steps, push ups, etc. she pretty much loves it and always talks about how she’s getting stronger and wants to be a super hero! thanks, sportacus!

if any of my huge following of loyal readers has some handy tips for training tiny kids, I’m keen to hear them… :wink:

upper body routine

running drills
explosive push up’s

hip thrusts, 1:50, 12.5kg
jump squats, 3:20, 12.5kg
single leg hops, 2:20, 12.5kg
reverse hypers, 1:20, 12.5kg

tuck jumps, 1:40
snooki sprints, 2x40/40stp (40 accel slowly, 40 top speed)
jump squats, :10, 12.5kg, 15kg, 30kg
single leg hops, :10, 12.5kg, 15kg, 30kg
reverse hypers, :5, 12.5kg, 30kg, 30kg

treadmill runs
4x300m (7kmh, 9kmg, 9kmh, 9kmh)

things are coming together well, but I am wary of increasing things too quickly. I’m enjoying these weighted reverse hypers. it’s good to finally be able to strengthen my hammies without causing injury. weather is absolutely feezing at the moment, so I’m keeping things indoors for a while…

I have tried to reply to this a few times, hopefully it works this time? Training young kidsTurn the principles into a game Squat throw and chase with a little mediball is pretty easy Hills runs - even throw a tennis ball up the hill and the first to retrieve it wins… (first to 5 balls wins?) Tempo - I find they get good and mentally like this (just keep it shorter in distance, but keep the same time, eg, 75% of max speed tops, and lets say it takes an adult 15sec for 100m, then the kids just run for 15sec, then you blow a whistle or it might be only 50m or such - same principles but as a group of kids, they typically love it) Belly starts and chasing something (keep out of blocks) In a kids playground - squat jump up and grab a monkey bar - jump over things, climb things etc - Jump over a footpath There is lots to do - just do it with a smile :slight_smile:

thanks, some good ideas there. a lot of that stuff I’m already doing in some form, but there is certainly plenty of new material for the future. thanks…

light upper body weights to loosen up back and shoulders
jump squats 1:20/12.5, 1:10/15, 1:5/15, 1:5/30
hip thrusts 2:30/30

upper body routine

jump squats 2:20/12.5, 2:10/30
single leg hops 1:10/30 (each)
single leg snatch 1:3/30 (each)

walking with 40kg crate (20m)
many, many, many shot put throws (mostly underarm)
40kg crate (40m)
1x80m sprint

made a bit of a name for myself at school yesterday.

after spending all day running the shot put event, I was roped in to have a go at the staff vs students relay. there were two staff teams and two student teams. I was anchoring a group of 20-something ladies from the outside lane, while the other team was a bunch of blokes running in lane 1. by the time I received the baton the first two teams had already crossed the line, but there were two others about 20m in front of me. I took the baton and accelerated, only to see in front of me that hoards of students were standing in my lane watching the other two runners go past. I started yelling “get off the track, get off the track” and one by one they peeled back as they turned around in shock as I bore down on them. I came pretty close to cleaning a few of them up, too (of course, it never once occurred to me that I could go around them or stop).

a lot of the students and other staff were pretty shocked when they saw how fast I was going, especially those punks who were dissing me before the race! no one expected the skinny little music nerd to actually be able to run…

monday and tuesday
light upper body/core exercises (loosening sore back)

squat 1:20/12.5
jump squat 1:10/12.5, 2:5/15, 3:3/30
hip thrust 1:20/15, 2:30/30

treadmill 3x300m @ 9kmh

left lower back has been sore from picking up those shots on friday. had some treatment on it last night and it seems to be a fair bit improved today, but not perfect.
ordered a leg extension/flexion bench last night. should be arriving early next week. that will help me get a bit of intense weight into my legs without ruining my poor spine…

mini tramp sprints - 3x40steps
hip thrusts - 3:20

hip thrusts 3:20 20kg
back extensions 3:10
leg extensions SL 3:5 20kg

jumping squats 1:15 12.5, 3:5 30kg
hip thrusts 2:20 40kg
back extensions 2:20 10kg
leg extensions SL 2:5 40kg

treadmill - 2x300 9kmh

glutes and hamstrings are shaping up really well. feeling good…

kettle ball warm up
trampoline sprints - 1x40stp, 1x60stp, 1x80stp
back extensions - 1:10 BW, 1:5 10kg
hip thrusts (neutral to hyper-extension) - 1:20 BW, 2:30 25kg

can’t wait for the season to start. the illawong site has no mention of the winter track series on its events calendar. I hope they are still running it this season…

treadmill - 3x300m 9kmh

any good tips for loosening the glutes??

back extensions 1:10
back extensions 1:10, SL 1:3
hip thrusts 1:20 20kg

first two 40m sprints were with a gradual build up towards top speed, the next two were with hard accelerations as well. felt brilliant for numbers 2 and 3, but the fourth runs wasn’t so hot because I have been chatting with my father in law for a bit too long. on the upside, he was able to make a video of my last run.

hamstrings and glutes continuing to feel better than ever…


upper body/core

treadmill - 5x200m (6, 9, 10, 11, 9kmh)

pulled up a bit tight after saturday, which was disappointing (although it’s pretty clear where I went wrong). strangely enough, it was about 36 hours after my session that I started to notice that the hammy wasn’t quite right.
a bit of accupuncture really improved things and I was hoping to do a speed session today only one day late, but I felt it would be prudent to lay low or a bit, so I did a bit of tempo instead.

annoyingly enough I also seem to have developed a bit of a cough (both my daughters have been coughing for weeks :frowning: ), so I’ve been feeling a bit flat and weak the last couple of days. I’m still feeling quite positive, though. things are gradually becoming more organised and under control…

hamstring therapy

back extensions - 2:10 BW, 1:5 10kg
hip thrusts - 2:20 20kg, 1:20 40kg

as I feared my cough has gotten worse and I am now properly sick. so I’ll be chugging down my remedies and staying indoors for a few days.

typical. I always get sick in the holidays… :rolleyes: