Not to belabor the point, but would you consider the typical sub-elite sprinter to be a skilled lifter? Certainly the vast majority of high school athletes, and a very large majority of college age athletes, I have observed are not highly skilled at any of the lifts, and very few are anywhere near what would be considered very skilled at the Olympic lifts. I ask because the debate about the benefits of Oly lifts vs squat/deadlift variations seems to resurface on this and other boards with regularity. The comparison is usually focused on which is better for building either limit strength or explosive power. The use of a high intensity lift to provide a CNS stimulus is yet another angle. Since what works for elite athletes does not necessarily work for the sub-elite and lower, I was curious as to which lift you considered to be the best stimulus for lesser qualified athletes…or does it even matter for them.
Mark McKoy was skilled while others were not, so it is highly individual.
The point about “best stimulus” is again interesting. Is the best CNS stimulus for the elite sprinter higher than for the lesser performer or lower because of the extraordinary CNS stimulus from the sprinting?