Reggie Bush's Off-Season Training

Could be but I think CF’s days with the Cowboys date back to the Landry days.

usc workouts and records:

Bench records appear to be disproportionately higher than the squat or clean

yeh those guys have some big bp, dont really surprise me bc chris came from the hatch system and was asst at univ of tenn who also use the hatch system and those guys have big bp.

James, I saw the long reply but not sure if it was actually addressing this, thanks.

as well as the expected seau’s, palamolu’s ect. there are 3 track guys on there at a glance, sultan mccullough, darrell rideaux and karrem kelly.

rideaux and kelly of the california high school 4x1 best time ever, and a could of been national record crew, except for an overun in the exchange (god gotta love the internet for telling you what happened 2500 miles away at a track meet when you were 9 years old).

mccullough was in the 10.1 world for a 100, but never stuck in the NFL and was at the closing era of the Muir High school track dynasty with Obea Moore.

and those three guys wasnt great fb players.

no, they sucked at football in comparison to what someone with some actual skill could have done with their footspeed, but it got them a free education.

mccullough of the bunch probably had the best shot at being an olympian in track.

i think kelly is playing in the cfl with his attitude problem and mccullough was with the redskins.

wikipeida says mccullough is in the cfl now as well.

yeh i think i remember hearing that.

I thought Reggie Bush was supposed to have a 600+ Squat? His name apparently isn’t on this records list. He should be in the 191-216 list.

read the site, it hasnt been updated since 2003 but i can find out for you.

tamfb. check your pm box.

done deal.

Justin Fargas who is doing a great job in the NFL (Raiders) was a decent track guy in HS as well…10.4x.
That team with Kareem Kelly, Darrell Rideaux, Fargas and Mchollough had so much damn speed.

10.2,10.3,10.3,10.4 all in high school. kelly and mchollough pr’ed again in college.

sub 39 relay for sure, i wonder if that’s the fastest 4 guys who played college football together?

Pretty cool. Talks about the fastest footballers of 2007. I will be posting this in the bowl thread as well.

i think of that list, only holliday, the clemson guys, charles(who just declared for the NFL, so no spring track campaign), have run much in college.

holland, got kicked off USC’s football team, and registered just a 10.8 last spring.(thank you google)

the clemson guys also do spring football, but supposedly, they are dropping that this year and are just running.

neither saine nor best are listed on their respective universities track websites. however, cal at least, has no problem with people doing both, not sure of OSU.

I’d like to know, James, if you and Buddy were replaced at Pitt by any average schmo personal trainers, how long before the( presumed by most) ill-effects would occur? How long, would you estimate, before the positive residual effects you have had on the program would wear off and negatively affect Pitt football? Thanks.