reaction from massage

Had an athlete with a hammy pull. It’s been about 10 weeks since the first injury, which was since gotten worse and moved up towards the pelvis.

We had our first session which included massage. The response has been soreness over 72 hours.

Is this typical?

wish i could find someone that could make me sore after a massage.:slight_smile:

I’ve had pretty bad soreness, but not sure that long. I think it is definitely possible though, especially if the athlete didn’t drink a lot of water afterwards or do anything to increase circulation the next day.

Isn’t this the same kind of reaction as you’d expect of your first session of heavy squats?

Yes. I figured it was normal. The muscle wasn’t pretty when I started on it.

10 weeks an its getting worse, ya’ll need to take serious look at what your doing to rehab. Are you sure its not a tear?

No, they waited 10 weeks before coming to see me. During that time it got worse.

It will take a few sessions to get the tone down. The doms should go by the end of the week.

too much hard massage…it can be good or bad…see CFTS…