RB34 Training Journal

I have really flat feet but never had issues with my feet in the past. In the early stages I was using the old lightweight foam shoes to do everything even tempo I think that’s what cause my issues.

Don’t be surprise if I drop to one speed day and just focus on the weights and rest. Gonna keep collecting data with my timing systems, if I happen to get slower this block I will drop the speed sessions.

This past block Mondays were my best days and thursdays was always hit/miss.

Week 1:
Fast on monday - slow on thur (maybe from the monday’s workout)

Week 2:
Faster then last monday - thur was even faster

Week 3:
Pr on monday - slow on fri (maybe from mondays workout)

6 total sessions - 4 great - 2 bad.

Hrv: 73.8
Daily change +3.4
Readiness 7 - Amber
Resting HR 60

Friday: 150-240 Bodyweight 188lbs
Warmup B
Test: 5x30 3pt
Squats 2x2x65%
Rdl 2x5 225
Bench 3x2x70%
Rows/Lat pd 3x10

Felt fresh but flat - times were about a tenth slower then my fastest in this block. Wish i could have stayed with my original setup and timed on mon/tue but the rain wouldn’t alllow it. This next block is gonna be important for my mind set - gotta prove to myself that the improvement I made last block was the real deal and not just one good week etc.

Shitty weather all week - hopefully the weather hold off till I get these pr’s tonight!!! Let’s work!!!

How do you perform Personal records on demand?

Be me!!! Easy…


Wow! Impressive. LOL

Period: Preparation - Phase: SPP
Event: Short sprints
Mesocycle: 2 - Max V
July 30 - Sept 22

Week 13:
Monday: 270/390 (made in-session adjustments to the sprints)
Warmup B
(2x30sled; pskip d 2x6; 2x60nosled) 30m int limit
(30sled; pskip h 2x6; 3x60nosled) 30m int limit
Squats 3x5x70% lil heavier on one of the sets
Rdl 2x12-15

Warmup G
Bench press 3x5x75%
Row 3x8
Bicep 3x5
Core x300 (60 weighted)

Thursday: 345
Warmup S
(30f; efe; 30f) (30f; fef; 30f; 30f) 15m run in; 20-20-20
Jumps for distance 2x4
MB: x5 dym height/dym ohb
Depth jumps 5x4 12in
Squats 3x4x70% lil heavier on one set
Rdl 2x10-12

Warmup I
Bench press 3x4x75%
W neutral pullups 5x5
Shoulder complex 3x8
Tricep 3x12
Core x300 (120 weighted abs)

Strongly thinking about investing in a home gym for myself and my wife. Looking to probably spend somewhere between $4000-5000. Below is the items I’m looking to purchase. 600lbs of bumper plates is where I’m leaning. I’m sure I could get some of these items cheaper if I decided to shop around but it’s easier just to order everything from the same place and be done.







Why not buy second hand? When I first moved into my current house 8 years ago, one of the first pieces of ‘furniture’ I acquired was a second hand gym: squat and bench rack, bench, Olympic barbell, dumbbells, 550lbs of plates and a rack for the plates. Total price $400. Came second at the Australian IPF championships in 2012 using nothing but this equipment to train on.

Several reasons why:

1: Alot of the second hand stuff isn’t good quality. I want my wife and kid to use good stuff.

2: I’m looking at this as an investment. Very similar to how I looked at my sports betting. Many of my friends want to hop on board but they never want to invest $5000+ on their bets.

3: I’m not using my money - using my sports betting winnings.

I have no doubt you can get results with much cheaper equipment but you also gotta make sure the wife likes the equipment and feels comfortable training on it etc. One of the reasons for the bumper plates is because of my wife.


Every piece of equipment I have ever purchased including the bike I created the bike workout on has been a game changer. If you have the space and ability to do this I would not hesitate for one second. If you spend lots of time training you will never look back I promise you this.

And I would make the space as fabulous as you are able so you want to be there and your kid does and your wife does too.

It’s an investment into yourself and your family at the very minimum.

Hmm, Ive been thinking about buying a few things for my weight training classes at my school. Im use my class budget from my job. Ill let the kids use it, but ofcourse its for me.

What you plan on buying?

Not much. Just need a new bar and rubber weights. The room is small. Id like to have the raggedy Smith machine removed ans replaced with a rack.

How much you willing to spend?

I spent less than $1,000 on my stuff.

I bought a new but cheap rack and bench. Cheap bumpers, used weights. I can do Oly lifts I desired.

Well it’s time to update this thing!!! It’s been hard to touch this journal because I haven’t been able to sprint and can’t compete this season. I’m an all in type of guy and once I put my mind to do something I want to do it. I had my mind set and ready to compete this year and once I came to the conclusion that I wouldn’t be competing I needed some time to clear my head.

Here’s the breakdown of the past few months.

I had to pack it in mainly because the plantar fasciitis in both feet and to a lesser degree the lower hamstring tendon issues in both hamstrings. I have no idea how the hamstring came about since they popped up on my first day of training in the warmup. I think the foot issues came about from very poor training shoes in those first two months. It’s been three months of no running nor jumping and the right foot feels better but the left foot is still a problem. I’m sure I made the correct decision in not competing this year because things would have only gotten worst. The past three months have been mainly strength training – I tried a month of incline walking and elliptical but it seem to bother my feet.

First month of training: Was able to train around the injuries etc. I got the work in.

Second month of training: my wife started giving me massages on both legs a couple times a week and it actually helped my hamstrings. Another month training through injuries but I got the work done.

Third month of training: I felt great!!! Each week I had sprint prs on the track! I was excited for the upcoming months – thought I finally had things on the right track. WRONG!!!

Fourth month of training: The hamstring tendon flared up again coming off the deload while warming up. SMH!! I decided to take the rest of the month off (21 days) because my times were getting worst and the pain was too much.

Fifth month of training: Came back off the 21 days and felt slightly better – considering I haven’t sprinted in 21 days my times were “ok”. Towards the end of week 3 in this block was when hurricane Florence hit and I moved my Friday speed session up to Thursday. Got to the track and my feet wasn’t digging sprinting but I felt like I had to put in some work. After the warmup I did throws and power skips h/d follow by weights. That next day my feet was torn up!!! I rested over the weekend and tried sprinting again on Tuesday to start my deload week. Got to the track again and my body/feet wasn’t up for the tasks – had no motivation to train through the pain. I decided to take the rest of the deload week. I decided to pack it in because things wasn’t getting better and the pain was moving to different areas of my feet. The biggest thing was I started to have pain while training – never had this before.

At this point in my life I have bigger fish to fry and more important things to focus on. I love training but I’m not into training with discomfort and pain like I would in my younger years. I enjoy taking my son for daily 30min walks – something I was having a hard time doing.

I’ll update my training with the strength training/powerlifting I been doing – hopefully I can be healthy by the spring and I’ll give it another shot!!! Better shoes, more soft tissue work, and even more changes to my training.

September 24 - October 20

Week 1:
Warmup S
Squats 4x3x80%
Rdl 3x5

Warmup B
Bench press 3x4x60-80%
Weighted pullups 5x5

Warmup S
SDL 4x3
Rev lunge 2x5

Warmup B
Bench press 3x3x60-80%
Pendlay row 3x5

Week 2:
Warmup S
Squats 5x2x85
Rdl 3x5

Warmup B
Bench press 3x3x65-85
Pendlay row 3x5 1

Warmup S
SDL 4x2
Rev lunge 2x5
Bench press 3x2x65-85
Weighted pullups 4x5

Week 3:
Warmup S
Squats 5x1
Rdl 3x5

Warmup B
Bench press single 4x1
Pendlay row 3x5
SDL 5x1
Rev lunge 2x10

Warmup B
Bench press 3x1x70-90
Weighted pullups 3x5

Week 4: Deload
Warmup S
Squats 3x3
Bench 3x3
Leg curl 3x10

Warmup S
SDL 3x3
Bench press 2x3x60-80
Rev lunge 2x10
Row/Lat pd 5x10

Casual training but it got the job done.

Hypertrophy/Special work capacity
October 22 - November 17

Week 1:
Warmup S
Squats 4x10-12 60-65%
Leg press 3x10-12
Leg curls 3x10
Cardiac 20m+Planks 2x30s

Warmup B
Wide bench 3x8-10 65-70%
Cg bench 3x8-10 65-70%
Row/Lat pd 4x12
1a: Flies 3x15
1b: Db ext 3x15
1c: Db lat raises 3x15

Warmup Jr
Def trap dl 3x6 70-75%
Rdl 3x6 70-75%
Hypers 3x10
Rlunge 2x10
Cardiac 20m+Ab wheel 3x6

Warmup S
Squats 4x8 65-70%
Front sq 3x8 65-70%
Leg curls 3x10
Cardiac 20m+Planks 2x30s

Warmup W
Bench 6rm
Incline 2x6-8 70-75%
Row/Lat pd 4x12
1a: Db flies 3x15
1b: Front raises 3x15
1c: Pushdowns 3x15
1d: BB curls 3x15

Week 2:
Warmup S
Squat 6rm
Pause squat 3x6 70-75
Leg curls 3x10
Cardiac 20m+Planks 2x45s

Warmup B
Wide bench 3x10-12 60-65
Spoto press 3x10-12 60-65
Row/Lat pd 4x12
1a: Flies 3x15
1b: Db ext 3x15
1c: Db lat raises 3x15

Wednesday: tough day
Warmup Jr
Trap dl 3x10-12 60-65
Conv pause dl 3x10-12 60-65
Hypers 3x12 25
Cardiac 20m+Ab wheel 3x8

Warmup S
Squat 4x10 60-65
Leg press 4x10
Leg curls 3x12
Cardiac 20m+Planks 2x45s

Warmup W
Wide bench 4x8
Cg bench 3x8
Row/Lat pd 4x12
1a: Db flies 3x15
1b: Front raises 3x15
1c: Pushdowns 3x15
1d: BB curls 3x15

Week 3:
Warmup S
Squat 4x8 65-70
Front squat 4x8 65-70
Leg curl 3x12
Cardiac 20m+Planks 2x60s

Tuesday: didn’t feel strong
Warmup B
Bench 6rm
Incline 3x6 70-75
Row/Lat pd 4x12
1a: Flies 3x15
1b: Db ext 3x15
1c: Db lat raises 3x15

Warmup Jr
Conv dl 3x8 65-70
Sdl blk pull 3x8 65-70
Hypers 3x15
Cardiac 20m+Ab wheel 3x10

Friday: sick
Warmup S
Squats 6rm
Pause squat 3x6-8 70-75
Leg curls 3x10
Cardiac 20m+Planks 2x60s

Saturday: sick
Warmup W
Wide bench 4x10-12 60-65
Spoto bench 3x10-12 60-65
Row/Lat pd 4x12
1a: Db flies 3x15
1b: Front raises 3x15
1c: Pushdowns 3x15
1d: BB curls 3x15

Week 4: Deload
Warmup S
Squat 4x4-5 55-60
Front squat 4x4-5 55-60
Leg curl 2x10
Cardiac 20m+Planks 2x30s

Warmup B
Bench 3x3-4 60-65
Cg bench 2x3-4 60-65
Row/Lat pd 3x12
1a: Flies 2x15
1b: Db ext 2x15
1c: Db lat raises 2x15

Warmup Jr
DL 3x4-5 55-60
Rdl 2x4-5 55-60
Hypers 2x10 15
Ab wheel 3x6

Warmup S
Squat 3x3-4 60-65
Leg press 2x10
Leg curls 2x10
Cardiac 20m+Planks 2x30s

Warmup W
Wide bench 4x5-6 50-55
Spoto press 3x5-6 50-55
Row/Lat pd 3x12
1a: Db flies 2x15
1b: Front raises 2x15
1c: Pushdowns 2x15
1d: BB curls 2x15

Hypertrophy 6-12reps 60-75%. Rotating between hard - med - easy sessions.

hard 6rm or 6 rep at 70-75%
med 8-10 65-70
easy 10-12 60-65

Squat: easy - med - hard
Bench: med - hard - easy
Dl: hard - easy - med

Sq: m/f
Dl: wed
Bp: tue/sat

Real training started this phase!!!

November 19 - December 15

Week 1:
Warmup S
Squat 4x6 70-75
Fsq 3x6 70-75
Leg curls 3x10
Cardiac 20m+Ab wheel 3x6

Warmup B
Bench 4x5 75-80
Cg bp 3x5 75-80
Row/Lat pd 4x10
1a: Flies 2x12
1b: Db ext 2x12
1c: Db lat raises 2x12

Wednesday: Incline tread
Warmup Jr
DL 4rm
Blk pulls 2x4x80-85
Hypers 3x10 20
Cardiac 20m+Abs x100

Warmup S
Squat 4x5 75-80
Low pause sq 3x5 75-80
Leg curl 3x10
Cardiac 20m+Ab wheel 3x6

Warmup W
Bench 3rm
Incline 2x4 80-85
Row/Lat pd 4x10
1a: Db flies 2x12
1b: Front raises 2x12
1c: Pushdowns 2x12
1d: BB curls 2x12

Week 2:
Warmup S
Squat 4rm
Hi pause sq 2x4 80-85
Leg curl 3x10
Ab wheel 3x8

Warmup B
Wide bench 4x6 70-75
Spoto press 3x6 70-75
Row/Lat pd 4x10
1a: Flies 2x12
1b: Db ext 2x12
1c: Db lat raises 2x12

Warmup Jr
Rdl 4x6 70-75
Pause dl 3x6 70-75
Hypers 3x8 30
Abs x100

Warmup S
Squat 4x6 70-75
Fsq 3x6 70-75
Leg curl 3x8
Ab wheel 3x8

Warmup W
Bench 4x5 75-80
Cg bp 3x5 75-80
Row/Lat pd 4x10
1a: Db flies 2x12
1b: Front raises 2x12
1c: Pushdowns 2x12
1d: BB curls 2x12

Week 3:
Warmup S
Squat 4x5 75-80
Low pause squat 3x5 75-80
Pull thru 3x10
Ab wheel 3x10

Warmup B
Bench 3rm
Incline 2x4 80-85
Row/Lat pd 4x10
1a: Flies 2x12
1b: Db ext 2x12
1c: Db lat raises 2x12

Warmup Jr
DL 4x5 75-80
Def pull 3x5 75-80
Hypers 3x6
Abs x100

Warmup S
Squat 4rm
Hi pause sq 2x4 80-85
Leg curl 3x10
Ab wheel 3x10

Warmup W
Wide bench 4x6 70-75
Spoto press 3x6 70-75
Row/Lat pd 4x10
1a: Db flies 2x12
1b: Front raises 2x12
1c: Pushdowns 2x12
1d: Curls 2x12

Week 4: DELOAD
Warmup S
Squat 4x5 (more reps and weight)
Low pause sq 2x5 65
Leg curl 2x8
Ab wheel 3x6

Warmup B
Bench 2x4 65
Cg bench 2x4 65
Row/Lat pd 3x10
1a: Flies 2x12
1b: Db ext 2x12
1c: Db lat raises 2x12

Warmup Jr
DL 2x4 65
Blk pulls 2x4 65
Hypers 2x8
Abs x50

Friday: no go… did more on Monday
Warmup S
Squat 2x4 55
Fsq 2x4 55
Leg curl 2x8
Ab wheel 3x6

Warmup W
Wide bench 2x4 55
Spoto press 2x4 55
Row/Lat pd 3x10
1a: Db flies 2x12
1b: Front raises 2x12
1c: Pushdowns 2x12
1d: Curls 2x12

Strength 3-6reps 70-85%. Same rotation.

hard 3-4rm or 4 reps 80-85%
med 5’s 75-80
easy 6 70-75

Hard training. Feel like the leg curls are helping my hamstring - there was a point i couldn’t even leg curl 50lbs.

Starting second strength phase on monday same as previous with slightly higher weights.