RB34 Comeback Program

Warm-up A
3x300 45-47/6min

Good session today, the last rep was absolutely brutal. The times were ext tempo pace but they felt like int tempo by the third rep.

The plan was to do more tempo work on Saturday but I have decided to take Sat/Sun to recover for next week.

After completing these two tempo sessions I guess my general fitness isn’t as bad as I thought it was.

Note: Hamstring was a little sore from the squat session.

Sat/Sun: rest

Warm-up C
2x30 3pt
3xflys 40-20
2x80 3pt
pc 4x2x185
bp 3x2x275
ham row 3x8x225

Warm-up W
5x200/28-30sec/4min walk

Overall good workout and another general fitness session in the books. :slight_smile:

I received some good news this morning, I got the dates for the summer meets and I will have 4 meets reminding with a week off before the last meet which is great because it will allow me to apply the 10 taper program again with success.

25: 100/200
30: 100
11: 100/200

Wed: rest

Warm-up Z
2x30 3pt
hc 4x2x185
sq 2x2x345
bp+pullups 3x245 2x275+2x10

I wasn’t going to train today because I have been under a lot of stress the last 24hrs so I decided to hit the track and relieve some stress instead of sitting around pissed off. I had plan to do 2x120 but decided to only do one after my calf started to cramp also I dropped a couple sets on the bench press to account for my high stress levels.

The plan was to do tempo tomorrow but I will rest instead, leading up to my next race the schedule should look something like this:

Fri: rest
Sat: tempo
Sun-Mon: rest
Tue: starts
Wed: rest
Thur: race 100/400

Fri: rest

Warm-up A
3x300 45-46/6.5-9mins

Tough general fitness session today, the runs were faster then last week so I decided to give myself more rest. For some odd reason my hamstring were on fire today by the second rep, it felt like I was doing 3x50 on leg curls. The 400m race should be fun on Thursday!!!

May do a little ab work later tonight.

Whats your 400m PB?

Sun-Tue: off

Warm-up A
3x30 3pt
hc 3x2x185
bp 3x225, 3x245

The plan was to take Sun-Mon off but I was busy on Tuesday I didn’t have time to train. The neural session went well this morning, I felt a little sluggish but overall not bad. The weather suppose to be shit tomorrow but that will not change my mind set.

Another cycle of 200-300m tempo runs dropped my body weight to 178lbs and the great thing is my strength levels are still high!! If I had to guess my bp is around 330’s lbs and squat mid 400’s…

I’m gonna try and arrive at the meet early tonight because I would like to go through a longer warm-up and get my mind right. I am already nervous about running the 400m tonight, don’t know what to expect.

I am approaching the meet tonight as a practice session while trying to work on a couple things in a race setting.

I left my house 20mins late and when I got onto the freeway there was a crash, I thought there’s no way I will make it on time. Anyways, I arrived at the meet and didn’t feel like competing because the weather was shit 65-68 degrees, cloudy with wind and the track felt soft.

I felt pretty good in my warm-ups but didn’t know what to expect. The blocks they had at the meet weren’t adjustable so that threw me off a little.

100: 10.68
400: 58.5

The 400m race was 20mins after the 100m; I caught cramps in my calves and probably should have scratched. I didn’t have anyone holding my blocks for the 400m race and I slipped coming out which wasn’t a big deal since I didn’t care about my time. The first 250 didn’t feel that bad but the last 150 was brutal and the final 10-20m I had to jog in. The next time I run a 400m I need to play towards my strength which is my speed and attack the first 300m hard, I am not a 400m runner and no matter what I will not have anything towards the finish so I must take advantage of my speed.

Pc: 3x2x185
Sq: 2x2x345
Bp+pullups 2x245, 2x2x275 + 3x10
Decline sit-ups 3x15
Standing Russ twist 2x10

Today I am sore all over my lower body not sure if it’s from the 400m race or not racing in about a month.

Good time. were the times automatic. You probably should not have run the 400 after you felt the cramps. Luckly u didnt get hurt.

Yes. I probably should have scratched but peer pressure is something else. I am not surprise I ran 11.04 into -3.2 back in May.

Naw when it comes to the 400 I look for a reason not to run. lol peer pressure can kiss my ass when the 400 is involved.

This season has been a first for many things.

1: First time running a 200m race.

2: First time running a 400m race.

3: First full outdoor track season.

4: First time taking and giving good effort in training.

how many more 400s you got in your future.

I was gonna do one more this season but I will probably drop out.

tru. smart man

Fri: Rest

Warm-up C
Bike tempo 2x6x45on/15off 110+rpm

I didn’t have a car today so I did bike tempo at the gym. My hips and hamstrings are still sore, hopefully they will be good to go by Monday.

Sun: rest

Warm-up C
3x30 3pt
1x80 95%
pc 3x2x185
bp 3x225, 3x245, 2x275
Mac row 3x8

Overall not a bad session considering I still have a little tightness in my lower body. The weights went well, bench press felt heavy but I got all reps.

Warm-up W
Bike tempo 2x6x45on/15off 110+rpm

The plans today was to do tempo runs but the rain storm put an end to those plans. The bike workout went well and I am starting to like it even though the volume is low. Tomorrow will be a easy start session and weights.

Warm-up A
3x30 3pt
bp 3x225, 3x245
pullups 2x8

Good season today!! Rest day tomorrow with a easy neural session on Friday.