RB34 Comeback Program Part 2

My friend I did 9 very fast block starts follow by 150’s with trainers. I would call the 150’s controlled speed work based on what CF mention last summer and my PR’s. Those same 150’s with spikes on probably would have been 18-19/17-18/17-18/16-17.

If I decide to compete this outdoors, I will blaze come May-August.

Damn calm yo happy ass down it was just a question dont bite my head off.

LOL, what are you talking about? You asked a simple question, I gave you a simple answer.

hc 4x3x70-80-80-80
dj 2x5
sq 3x3x335 (fast)
bp 3x3x265 (fast)
1a:chest support row 3x8
1b: erect bend 3x10

Found out today that my $30 won’t be a waste, the university will allow me to race for free April 24 in a night meet.

I wish I had time to run in the morning and lift at night. DO you feel stronger by doing this?

It’s not something I do always, usually when I have to train my girlfriend. There’s not much difference IMO.

800m jog
Static Stretch
Seagrave (Prisoner squats, highland fling, front lunge, side lunge, speed skaters)
Sprint drills 3x3
4x200 @ 30 5mins rest

The 200’s were suppose to be at 30sec, I came in at 25-28-26-26. The first 200 I didn’t know how fast I were running and the last three runs I made sure to slow down the final 10m or so. Overall good session with more speed work tomorrow. I know my workouts may look crazy to some but I’m feeling strong, fit, and looking towards running well next week.

800m jog
Static Stretch
Seagrave (Prisoner squats, highland fling, front lunge, side lunge, speed skaters)
Sprint drills 3x3
3x45-35-25 (4mins rest) (5mins set rest)
5x120 accels 85% 5min walk

All starts from the blocks…

800m jog
Static Stretch
Seagrave (Prisoner squats, highland fling, front lunge, side lunge, speed skaters)
Sprint drills 3x3
3x60 easy accels
5x120 accels @ 17-18 5min walk
2x3xbig steps

Weights later tonight!!!

hs 5x2x135
dimel dl 2x15x135
lunge jumps 2(5x25 rest 45 5x15)
sp bp 6x3x50

Great speed on all the lifts. Kickin off SPP on Monday!!!

Wk 7: SPP
Apr 05
800m jog
Static Stretch
Seagrave (Prisoner squats, highland fling, front lunge, side lunge, speed skaters)
Sprint drills 3x3
mb throws x20
3x200 @ 25sec rest 5mins (Effort 80-85%)

Weights later tonite!!!

hs 5x2x135
lunge jumps 4x6x30
bp+pullups+erect bend 6x3x225+6x4+3x10
knee ups 2x25
russ twist 2x25
hip flexion 3x6 40-50-50

800m jog
Static Stretch
Seagrave (Prisoner squats, highland fling, front lunge, side lunge, speed skaters)
Sprint drills 3x3
1 laps striders 80% (sprint, walk, sprint, walk)
80-60-40-20 blocks Rest 4mins

Didn’t have block, all starts from a 3pt stance.

800m jog
Static Stretch
Seagrave (Prisoner squats, highland fling, front lunge, side lunge, speed skaters)
Sprint drills 3x3
1x200 @ 28 5min rest
4x100 (middle 30m @ 100%) slowww walk 150 between
2x3x big steps 4min rest

The 100’s were nothing but a flying 30 with a 50m accel zone and 20 decel.

800m jog
Static Stretch
Seagrave (Prisoner squats, highland fling, front lunge, side lunge, speed skaters)
Sprint drills 3x3
2 laps striders @ 80% (sprint, walk, sprint, walk)
4x20 blocks
pc 3x2x245
db pullover 4x5x50-50-50-40
fsq 5x3x225

Didn’t have blocks all starts from a 3pt stance.

This outdoor season has been a horrible one, full of injuries and many ups and downs. So far my best has been high 10.8’s in below average weather, my body hasn’t been the same - I felt slow-heavy-zero turnover this season. Early last season I didn’t run well but still felt like I had the potential to bust one every weekend, this year has been totally different.

Last week I went to a meet with my friends and there dumb asses didn’t want to listen to me - we got lost on the way, by the time we got to the track I only had 15mins to warm-up. I made finals but injured both of my hamstrings at around 80m. Not sure if it was an injury or cramps, I decided to take 8-9 days and let the system reboot (kinda like when your computer freezes - time to reboot)…:slight_smile:

At this time I have meets schedule for June 13-23-30 and July 7-14-24-28. I am currently working on my state content exams and may run in a meet back home in July. It’s a stressful time in my life right now, if all go well I will move back home this August.

Training for the next two weeks:

Top speed

Bike tempo

Speed end

Thur: rest

Special End


Sun: rest

Bout to hit the track, it’s time to get back to my sprinting weight - need to lose 10-12lbs.

u done got fat

What’s your plan for dropping those lbs.?

You think losing strength will hurt your racing?

My girlfriend cook too much. I have the worst track diet ever!!