RB34 Comeback Program Part 2

Very accurate more accurate then last year. Like I mention earlier I have no doubt that I will at least hit 6.80 in the 60m.

LOL! The only guy that pulled that off real good is MJ. Crazy, he use to look back or side to side at the 260-300 meter mark then cruse home to a low 44.

Tue: 360
Warmup C
2x30 sled
2x30 blk
4x60 35/2blk/2-3pt
hurdle hops 5x5
400 jog/walk
ab circuit x20sec
planks 2x30sec
pause jsq 4x3x95
sq 3x3x75% of 3rm
bp brx10 50x5 60x5 70x5 80x5
row 3x8

Overall good session, my training mate said I looked fast and smooth. After completing the sled pulls I notice that I didn’t bring my spikes so I had to take 20mins and go them after returning all went well.

LOL, I did the samething in the 55m last year.

Today is a rest day, my upper hamstrings are little sore from the training session yesterday. I guess it’s time to increase my protein intake over these next couple days.:slight_smile:

Might I Suggest

LOL, sounds good to me. I see you guys do it big for the pregame cook outs. :wink:

I’m sticking with the whey, D-for doping (vit d) and fish oil cocktail. :rolleyes:

Haha I wish… that’s from a famous bbq in Texas. I can’t wait to do some damage on some grub this holiday.

Wed: Rest
15mins Sauna
Contrast shower
Foam roll

Warmup W
3x20 3pt
zino x3
200 jog/skip/walk etc
mb height x3
Body Alignment etc

I usually feel a little flat after a sauna treatment and my lower body is still a little sore but things should be good for tomorrow.

I will have to run my best tomorrow to make finals since they are only taking the top 8 instead of top 16. Who knows because seed times are much faster in Dec and early Jan. I will be in heat 6 and racing against Lancford Davis from Jamaica.

Cold ass hell in the Midwest but it’s time do work son!!!

Heard this was your jam Mortac…


Well? results

lol yessss. this album is key. too bad i suck too much right now for it to get me below girl times. in fact, this youtube clip is sped up a bit so 50 sounds more like a girl…

Not a good day, felt decent in prelims but felt like shit in finals. My legs were tired and calves started to cramp. Either way I am running near PR level in Dec, I will have another 3 week intensive training block before opening my indoor season on Jan 9 @ UM.

Join the club with the girl times.

You’ll bounce back, these are nothing but practice runs. The real stuff comes jan and feb.

Yeh, I think I went to hard this week. CF is right my body doesn’t handle the neural workouts anymore.

I did the same for my first comp. Its ok though. Competition period will allow for lots of recovery to take place.

So what were the times? What did you do this week that tired you out?

Mon: 5x200 28-33sec (Previous week 10x100)

Tue: Went little harder on the 60’s

Thur: 3x20/throws (I learned this past spring that my body don’t handle these sessions well). CF said that the more advance you get your body can maintain a stimulus much longer.

Prelims/Finals 7.03

BTW, I said I felt good in prelims but didn’t run a technical sound race and in finals I had nothing in the tank.

Yea I probably would have done the trows on tues after the 60s and maybe did a few short starts on thurs. But 7.03 and bad, change a step or two and its 6.9.