Question for Kitkat

Kitkat, I remember watching a video profiling DC’s training when I was in high school about 15 years ago. It showed him training at Rotary Oval and hitting the heck out of the heavy bag. Do you know the name of that video and if it’s still available? I think I recall Darren saying that he didn’t lift weights, but instead chose to hit the heavy bag instead. Is this correct?

Originally posted by Neospeed
Kitkat, I remember watching a video profiling DC’s training when I was in high school about 15 years ago. It showed him training at Rotary Oval and hitting the heck out of the heavy bag. Do you know the name of that video and if it’s still available? I think I recall Darren saying that he didn’t lift weights, but instead chose to hit the heavy bag instead. Is this correct?

Darren never did weights until he joined me. He could hardly get 100lbs bar off the rack to bench press. By the time he was done, effectively after his indoor medal in Toronto in 93, he could bench about 240lbs. He never squatted or did cleans or snatches. He worked mainly on Keiser pneumatic systems and the benchpress, but to supplement he routinely punched the heavybag for 10sets of 30secs on-off, using uppercuts for five sets and straight jabs for the other five sets.
I never saw that video, so can’t help there. Sorry.