Question for Charlie or other sprint gurus....Sorry, this is a pretty basic question

Ok so I have a decent grasp on the principles of bulk phases, cutting, etc. What I need help with is how to apply this to sprint/triple jump training over the course of several months.

Say, for instance, I am going to start competing on my own (running unattached in college, no team to train with or anything) probably in early/mid-January, and probably continue through April, with a break in competition in late February.

Should I basically start bulking now for a few months, then start cutting when I get closer to competition? And how long should each of these phases be?

I basically have been sprinting for 7 years (I’m a 21 year old male), but have only recently started paying attention to diet (I used to be too heavy, overate all the time and was carrying too much fat). I really think I could make some progress with my PRs with my newfound focus on diet.

I guess what I’m looking for, initially, is a broad, general blueprint for the next year or so, then possibly getting more specific after that’s established.

Why would you want to bulk? Most of the added muscle would probaby not be functional and would reduce the power:weight ratio. Stay lean all the time probably and adjust calories slightly depending on what you need. Eating clean with probably take care of your body composition assuming you aren’t eatling like 1000+ calories over maitenence.

Hmmm…I guess that makes sense. But right now, I’m actually kinda “scrawny”. I spent the last year or so doing a lot of distance running (I know, not good for sprinters/jumpers) but I thought I was done with competitive track and was just doing it with friends for fun. I lost about 20 pounds from where I was a year or two ago, mostly fat, but noticeable muscle too. I feel like I could stand to gain some decent muscle mass (especially after looking at pictures of Ben, haha).

Vertical integration training is the best method in long term success from a hormone perspective…since good training will be supported by good nutrition since it is all reflective.

Despite what Ben looked like in the pics you saw, he weighed only 173 pounds when he ran faster than any other man has ever run. Take a look at Jon Edwards. He is slender, but powerful. I heard his biography is amazing and you may want to track down a copy. Muscle mass does mean increased strength, but slow and steady is the way to increase it so that no parts of the chain get missed. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link. Take your time.

Well I must admit, I’m not all that well versed in some of the more detailed things…such as this "vertical integration…I actually have no idea what that is.

Would you be able to explain it to me?

If you want to read up on Vertical Integration, you shoud get the CFTS and the Forum Review from the site store. If money’s tight, take a look in the archives, as there are a lot of discussions about training methods. BTW, there are no GURUs here! Just lots of coaches and athletes exchanging ideas and info.

Thanks Charlie.

By the way, in regards to weight, etc. I’m about 5’6" or 5’7", and currently about 135lbs. What do you guys think about this height to weight ratio? I mean, obviously it depends on body fat% vs. muscle, but, assuming I put on a little muscle, lost a little fat, and remained around 135, does that sound like a decent weight? Or should I be putting on a little more, like around 140?

that’s hard to say. It depends on so many factors including bone structure and relative limb length, but, with good training and a good diet, it’s likely things will sort themselves out.