PWO shakes - help or hype?

Essential aminos are usuallly followed up with a protein shake within 1/2hr

Then why not mix them?

I use to follow Musashi’s recommendations and found their method effective.

Coach Francis, by ‘protein shake’ are you refering to whey + water or is there more to it?

It is the EAA which are responsible for the anabolic stimulus and this is in response to the rise in circulating levels. Although they are the most quickly absorbed, you will get a greater spike by consuning them separate. This response also does not need the neaa. The limit for maximizing anabolic effects seems to be around 25g or so per serving.

I found Musashi’s post workout recovery template for power athletes if anyone is interested. They suggest 5g BCAA + 5g EAA + .75g carb/kg immediately after then 30-50g whey in water 20 min later. Musashi claims the BCAA and EAA will be absorbed more rapidly than whey and that the non-essential aminos is whey are not necessary immediately pwo. They reference a study which showed a 400% increase in protein synthesis from 6g EAA and BCAA + 36g carbs.

Check the PDF here

Cytofuse update—this stuff is a milkshake! I can’t believe it tastes that great…I have been using it like crazy!

I came across this article (hope you can open it) and it had some interesting findings regarding the use of various AA combinations in sport drinks.

Your thought would be appreciated.