Pull Downs

you guys do palms facing you or palms away and how far is your grip? a little more than shoulder with or wide?

a nice alternative is towel pull-ups. awesome for grip strength as well as your back.

palms facing shoulder width apart.

I try to touch the bar on my upper chest if I can.

Palms away. I go wide until real heavy weight. If I go wide with heavy weight I strain a tendon (connects upper chest to shoulder area). Sorry don’t know what it’s called. Using variations in grip will target the back at different angles in my opinion.

i acutally alternate every set. one set with palms in and one with palms out. palms out are harder and works the back more i feel and palms in works a bit more biceps.

Originally posted by mj
Using variations in grip will target the back at different angles in my opinion.


at what point would you guys stop using weighted chins? i once tried 90 pounds (got about 3/4 of the way up) but at some point will the shoulder joint be compromised?

if you are doing weighted chins, i would say if you can’t get at least 4 or 5 reps take some weight off. when it comes to pull ups i believe in a combination of quality and quantity.

i agree.

If a 1RM chin doesnt cause any pain or irritation i dont see the problem with going heavy. But then again maybe I am missing something. I regularly do 3 reps with 135 and occasionally do singles… Im aiming for a 1RM chin (bw+ additional 180 lbs) in my next training phase.

I dont see the point in a sprinter doing it, however.

ESPN3-whats wrong with doing heavy sets of 3 or less?

t-bone, I believe chins should be trained in the same rep range as any of your other compound exercises.

BTW, I tend to get sore elbows when training heavy chins.

thats the point i was getting at. why treat it differently than any other exercise. lucky for me i don’t get sore elbows doing chins.

People say that for any sport be sport specific. How would lat pull downs help with sprinting? I love the exercise but was told it’s more of a bodybuilding exercise.

Lats extend the arm, i.e. assist in backward arm drive.

thanx dave. thats what i thought.

Ben didn’t go past the end of the stack on this one. I think it went to 200?? but Ben went to 185- but for sets of 10. Any heavier and he would risk shoulder problems. He alternated wide grip back with narrow grip front (though if I was planning it today I’d be more cautious of the wide grip backs). I don’t think the hip flexors got much work as he often had a spotter holding him down as he weighed less than he was lifting. Ben also did pull-ups using the top of the squat rack, again in sets of 10, alternating the grip.
I agree that the real weight on these stacks is anyone’s guess, but it doesn’t matter as long as you progress on the same machine.
When I worked out (in a previous century), I used to do pull-ups, using body weight or with a 25lb plate hooked to my weight belt.

Charlie what do you think about doing 10 reps for exercises like squats, front squats, calf raises,lat pulldown, bench press and so on with a 2 up, 2 down tempo? This is what my coach had me doing for 3sets. He also had me doing 10 sets of 2reps for the cleans.

Depends entirely on age, training stage, and training age.

<Depends entirely on age, training stage, and training age.>

Age - 22

trainign age - 3years sprinting, was bodybuilding before that for 2 years, 16-18 years of age.

Training stage - 11.5 for the 100m, ran a p.b 2weeks ago.