
Due to fast absorption of whey protein, supplements can be effective after training (higher rates of pro synth awaiting) or in a morning (catabolism in place) but at other times is there any other major benefits? (ease of use or taste accepted)

If the BV is lower in the whole food - eat more.
Choose a food source with low fat/cholestrol if necessary.

Are there any amino acids in significantly higher amounts in whey or casein that enhance recovery/performance, and can’t be consumed
in a reasonably sized whole meal?

You can get an entire chicken at Shoprite for six dollars. I use this instead of protein supplements because I like it a lot more.

If the BV is lower in the whole food - eat more.

the thing i enjoy the most about using protein powders is the caloric effeciency. i use proscore 100, for 170 cals, 34 gms pro, 4 carbs and 2 gms of fat. i takes 10 seconds to mix and easy clean up.

Are there any amino acids in significantly higher amounts in whey or casein that enhance recovery/performance, and can’t be consumed

proscore is 20% glutamine and has a very high bcaa content. i dont know the amino acids profiles of chicken, beef etc,

with that said, i think you need a balance of whole food and supplements. the ratio of sups to whole depends on training demands, time to prepare meals, time of day, money (how much does 35 gms of protein from chicken breasts cost?), lifestyle, cooking ability and facilities to name only a few.

right now i am 2:3 not including my post workout shake that will always be liquid. i eat cottage cheese pre workout, 2 proscore and udo’s oil shakes at work with veggies or fruit, beef, chicken or bison for dinner and eggs/whites just before bed.