Proper NFL S&C in Action

Semantics aside, in so far as I understand the use of the word, such as the context in which I have used it, ‘Darkside’ refers to the unpopular methodology and corresponding training consciousness that exists in opposition to the misdirected/misinformed western sport training industry status quo.

As a result, CFTS is as ‘Darkside’ as anything else that seeks to continually evolve in the face of what lesser minds are motivated to popularize amongst the masses.

Sorry James, I should have clarified my statement. What I meant by “Darkside” was more or less the Westside powerlifting philosophy.

Interestingly the Westside method, in so far as it may be described and subsequently understood in article format, while dissimilar to a linear model is, perhaps, just as ‘routine’ as many other methodologies in that the published microcycle taxonomy (Max effort and Dynamic effort workouts) are simply complex-parallel by definition and only becomes arguably linear during circa-max phases in which the training emphasis, undergoing intensification, becomes predominantly singular.

‘Darkside’ on the other hand, at least to me as I have it written in Cyrillic at the bottom of the main page of my website, signifies, as I stated earlier, a continually evolving mindset that pioneers more unpopular methodology such as CFTS and block training which both present an organizational framework quite dissimilar from that which is recognized by those who constitute a large percentage of the coaching community.

I state this based upon my personal experience in the field in which I have had to repeatedly explain who Charlie is and what he has done to many collegiate coaches, who are not knowledgeable with respect to T&F and even some who are, in person as well as via the thousands of questions I’ve answered at EFS, as well as the entire concept of the block model that I repeatedly explain- that is largely unfamiliar to the majority of western coaches whom I have come in contact with- again both personally and virtually.

I was using the ‘westside’ term to refer to his non western approach to training. Does anyone know if Myslinski is doing any work outside of the Browns organization in the form of writing or consulting/coaching?