program 4 mountain bikers

Hi to all of you, :smiley:
this year I’m going to train a mountain biker 4 the next season and I’d like any help about.
My plans are to start with a strenght period of 6/8 weeks and then power for about 4/5 weeks and finally (this regard the gym) a resistance period starting with the competition period.
Any advice about the best exercises (I’d prefer,squat,deadlift ,ol. lift and a lot of swiss ball in between) and the off road program? (the races are about 40/60 km )
Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

hey mountain bike, just stay with squats doing volume, remember keep body weight in check.

try this…135lbs… 6 sets… 50 reps to basements
5 minutes recovery…

1 per week… then do not forget uphill runs, u need them, stay off your heels.

ciao…yes i raced too…senoir 1 road


Thank thunder I’m going to put your advices on the “field”

I might add to the above weight program. What does this person need to work on to improve assuming they have raced before? What is their training background? What are their goals etc Amos

(I might add to the above weight program. What does this person need to work on to improve assuming they have raced before?)
I’m triing to improve his strenght on the gym but,at the same time,I don’t want to put extra weight on his body (actually he’s 61 kilos),this program will last 4 6/8 weeks .

(What is their training background? What are their goals etc)
He was an amateur rugby player and 4 the last 3 years he’s biking with good results (actually he’s on the top 5 in north east Italy) so his goals are to improve his overall standing

I have had a really hard time finding any real info on a way that strength training could improve endurance performence. I have found strength training to improve the initial start effort for races(very important in mountain bike racing) and also helping the upperbody handle the rigors of off road racing. Given the amount of endurance kms required it is unlikely that a major body weight gain will occur.

I actually follow the same templete for sprint training. I have found people gain little or no weight, improve start efforts and improve flexability that cycling does not promote.

As a general rule I include lifting year round since most strength gains are more on the neural side so I think they are lost sooner then I would like. Early season workouts are 2-3 days per week. Focusing on strength conditioning for the whole body. 6-8 different exercises. These workouts are longer about a 1hr 30min. Rest pauses around 2-3 minutes between sets. In season 0-1 per week depending on energy levels. These workouts are short 30-45 minutes with 2-3 exercises. Again 2-3 minute rests. Workouts stop when fatigue sets in. Hope this helps a little. Amos

Which level are your cyclists at? Do you use any plyos at all,or have you ever considered using them?

(Which level are your cyclists at? )
Right now he’s a semi prof but,If keeps and going…
(Do you use any plyos at all,or have you ever considered using them?)
I haven’t included on my program because a "friend " :smiley: we have in common last year told me that plyo is not very important in bike sport (personally I’ve included,along with swiss ball circuits, with biker over 40 and I’ve noticed good results.